Today’s Solutions: April 28, 2024

Taking a bite into a ripe fresh fig is one of nature’s finest taste experiences. Your tongue will recognize flavors reminiscent of honey and mild berries, all while enjoying the jam-like texture of the fig. With October being the last month of fig season, now is the best time to enjoy one. If you need any more convincing, here are four key health benefits that come with eating a good fig.

They’re high in fiber

The FDA recommends you eat about 28 grams of fiber each day. One large fig contains about two grams of fiber, with a serving of figs considered to be two to three figs, depending on the size. That means eating a serving of figs can provide nearly a quarter of your fiber needs for the day. In case you didn’t know, fiber is great for digestive health by softening stool, making bowel movements more regular, and preventing constipation. It also helps to keep cholesterol down.

They’re a good source of potassium 

The mineral potassium is vital for heart health and managing blood pressure. Bananas are the most popular potassium-rich food, but figs are also superb. In fact, one serving of figs has about 10 percent of your daily requirement.

They’re a source of vitamin A 

Your body uses vitamin A in a variety of ways. It helps to enhance the immune system, encourages healthy vision, keeps your heart and lungs healthy, and helps with reproductive health. A serving of two medium-sized figs has about one percent of your daily requirement of vitamin A. It’s important to keep in mind that figs lose most of their vitamin A when they are dried, so use fresh figs if you want to benefit from their vitamin A.

They’re rich in magnesium

One serving of figs has about eight to 12 percent of your daily requirement of magnesium, depending on your gender and age. Magnesium supports your muscle and nerve function, helps build proteins, improves bone health, and maintains blood sugar levels.

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