Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


Great minds lead to great solutions. Our education section features solutions and innovations directed at strengthening educational systems around the world.

Yale’s beloved happiness cla

Yale’s beloved happiness class is now on the internet for free

Happiness, they say, is infectious. Perhaps that is why the most popular course ever to be taught at Yale University—this semester enrolling 1,200 students, or a quarter of the undergraduate student body—is one titled “Psychology and the Good Read More...

What this sculptor can teach u

What this sculptor can teach us about bouncing back after failure

When a 41-year-old self-taught sculptor was given the task of creating a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo for his hometown, it was a dream come true. The dream, however, quickly turned into the stuff of nightmares after his statue was unveiled. The statue looked like a goofier version of the famous Read More...

Striking Oklahoma teachers win

Striking Oklahoma teachers win historic school-funding increase and keep on marching

Allie Newcomb, who teaches sixth-grade math at Mayfield Middle School, in Oklahoma City, was initially on the fence when teachers in her state started talking about walking off the job in protest of education cuts. But something shifted for her a couple of weeks ago, when there was an emergency Read More...

Following West Virginia, teach

Following West Virginia, teachers in other U.S. states are walking out

Teachers in two more states, Oklahoma and Kentucky, are taking matters into their own hands this week, going on strike en masse and staging large Read More...

This 21-year old developed AI

This 21-year old developed AI that could revolutionize the way kids learn

Only 2 percent of all learning today is digital. That could rapidly change thanks to cutting-edge AI developed by a 21-year old Swede. Once this AI is plugged in to an existing Digital education tool, it helps students learn faster and become more interested by the content based on their individual Read More...

The third education revolution

The third education revolution

Schools are moving toward a model of continuous, lifelong learning in order to meet the needs of today’s Read More...

People who read are more creat

People who read are more creative and live longer

One study found that people older than 50 who read books for 30 minutes daily lived an average of 23 months longer than non-readers or magazine readers. The practice of reading books creates cognitive engagement which improves lots of things, including vocabulary, thinking skills and concentration. Read More...

West Virginia’s striking tea

West Virginia’s striking teachers are the key to building a post-coal economy

For decades, West Virginia’s coal-dominated economy kept the state afloat. Now that it’s failing, it’s time for the state to re-focus its energy on creating a strong educational system, and good livelihoods for the teachers who support Read More...

The no. 1 TED talk of all time

The no. 1 TED talk of all time teaches a critical lesson in intelligence

The most-viewed TED Talk of all time is more than a decade old. This is not just a testament to its popularity at the time, but the longevity of its relevance. It's called "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" and it has been viewed over 49 million times. The speaker is Ken Robinson, creativity Read More...

These 9 documentaries will com

These 9 documentaries will completely change the way you think about health

A lot of mainstream medicine is outdated and relies too heavily on treating symptoms rather than preventing illness. If we truly want to be healthy we have to know how to prevent illness before it occurs.The following is a list of the top 9 documentaries that are focused on health and the many Read More...