Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


4 things that keep Canadian tr

4 things that keep Canadian traffic fatalities lower than the US

While traffic-related fatalities increased in the United States by 19 percent between 2010 and 2020, Canadian rates declined by about the same amount in that time. Many consider Canada culturally very similar to the US, but when it comes to traffic safety, they have more European attitudes. Here Read More...


This program seeks to end homelessness and incarceration

We decided to dust off this important solution from not long ago.  Several factors can lead to homelessness: a lack of affordable housing, high costs of living, and even, sadly, mental illness. Another factor that contributes to homelessness, which is often overlooked, is Read More...

Doctor examined the patient's ear with otoscope.

Diagnosing hearing loss with a simple speech test

According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.5 billion people live with some degree of hearing loss. Currently, to test the severity of an individual's hearing defect, lengthy examinations are carried out or sometimes not at all. Research conducted by the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Read More...

Drone show

Lake Tahoe town opts for environmentally friendly drone show this 4th

While it is a stunning tradition to launch fireworks every 4th of July for America’s Independence Day, we can’t deny it’s a bit of a risk these days. Climate-change-fueled drought in regions like the American west incurs the risk of wildfires with this tradition.  One town in the Read More...

Houseplants next to large window

5 more reasons to have houseplants under your roof

From making your home more aesthetically pleasing to generally improving your wellbeing, the benefits of houseplants have been documented all too well. Here are five of the most important reasons for living together with these green companions: They give an assist in breathing While we breathe Read More...

An octupus in an aquarium.

Octopus and human brains have incredible similarities

Octopuses’ are some of the intelligent animals inhabiting our diverse planet. Their extensive neurological system is made up of 500 million neurons, similar to that of a dog. But unlike a dog where most of these neurons are located in their brain, over two-thirds of octopuses' can be found in Read More...

Clothes washing in the washing machine

Here’s why you should wash your clothes with cold water

Washing your clothes with hot water may be an effective way to remove stains, but doing so with every laundry batch takes its toll on the environment. About 90 percent of a laundry machine's energy use goes towards heating up the water. As a result, home laundries in the US are responsible for Read More...

Young woman taking an afternoon nap on the couch

Taking an afternoon nap may make your brain healthier

If you love to indulge in a feel-good siesta, then we have good news for you: those afternoon moments of slumber might be benefiting your brain health. At least, those are the findings of a study that add to an increasing body of data showing a correlation between afternoon naps and improved mental Read More...


AI could identify chickens in distress and improve conditions

We’ve already written before about AI’s potential to improve pigs’ lives by listening to them. Now, scientists have found they can use AI on another barnyard favorite: chickens.  Artificial intelligence can help the happiness and well-being of chickens by listening to them and determining Read More...

Small child in yellow track suit with a clock in front of their face to represent a tie-out in front of a yellow background.

Is putting your kid on time-out a good parenting tactic?

When Amy and Steve Unruh decided to adopt a four-year-old child from the Philippines, they anticipated challenges. They understood it would take time, as well as a great deal of love and care, for their family and its newest member to adjust. But they were committed to helping a child in need. The Read More...