Today’s Solutions: May 16, 2024


Reflection of sun in glass facade of high-rise building

This solar-coated high-rise is self-sustaining

A high-rise office building in Melbourne, Australia, boasts a solar facade made up of 1,182 solar panels which, together with additional rooftop solar, sustain the building with renewable power. Helping others by helping itself “The building is designed to be self-sustainable,” says Pete Read More...

Mosquito on white mosquito wire mesh.

This novel drug instructs drug-resistant malaria to self-destruct

Drug-resistant pathogens have been a growing concern in this world for the past few decades. Thankfully, scientists are coming up with innovative solutions to find ways around these pathogens' sneaky behavior. Examples of these are the production of these game-changing synthetic antibiotics or the Read More...

American Solar

US pushes through solar panel imports while helping boost production

A tariff investigation by the Commerce Department has stalled the expansion of the United States solar industry. This was a look into whether or not Chinese solar manufacturers were improperly funneling parts through other Asian countries.  Determined to meet its clean energy and climate goals, Read More...

Happy Cow

This device helps farmers raise happier, healthier cows

Dairy farmers have a regular problem when it comes to testing their cows’ health and the quality of their milk. They have to ship milk samples to labs for each cow and wait on the results.  Two MIT alumni aim to help with their new device which gives the same results in 10 minutes.  Testing Read More...

Prolong your lifespan with the

Prolong your lifespan with these two exercising tips

While the link between regular physical activity and improved brain health is nothing new, combining specific types of exercising can actually go a long way in making your life longer. From exercise physiologist Ben Greenfield, here are two exercise tips to help promote your longevity: Engage Read More...

Aerial view of observation tower with Finnish flag among blue lakes and green forests in summer Finland.

Finland is the first country to pass a legally binding carbon negativity act

Many countries are putting forth considerable efforts to fight climate change and reach ambitious targets of net-zero emissions. However, Finland has decided to take it up a notch. Finland’s parliament recently passed a new Climate Change Act which legally binds it to its commitment to Read More...

Chilean Cyprus

World’s oldest tree may actually live in Chile after all, not California

The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in California is currently considered the oldest living tree in the world, at 4,853 years old. A cypress tree in Chile, however, now challenges that record. Dr. Jonathan Barichivich, a researcher in Chile, believes that a Patagonian cypress, locally known as the Read More...

Strong looking young woman boxes the air

3 Functional foods for all-day energy

You have a busy life, and now that the weather is nicer and Covid-19 restrictions are loosening up, you will likely find yourself with a busier schedule. How can you be sure that you’re fueling your body with food that will elevate your energy and sustain you with continuous strength? According Read More...

someone making banana peel compost

Simple tips for making homemade fertilizer

Making fertilizer at home is a great option for home gardeners who want to find ways to repurpose their waste and reduce their consumption habits. Making your own fertilizer is the more environmentally friendly choice as it could save you a trip to the store and you avoid the bags and plastic Read More...

Smiling calm young woman relaxing on comfortable wooden rocking chair in living room.

10 simple things you can do to boost your mood (according to experts)

All of us have days when it's hard to get out of bed, and it feels like nothing we do makes a difference. These ups and downs are part of life but learning how to cope with the down days can benefit our entire life, even when we wake up happy. Since The Optimist Daily is all about supporting a Read More...