Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


“Count Down” ー Protectin

“Count Down” ー Protecting our bodies and our fertility in the modern age

“Hormones get no respect. We think of them as the elusive chemicals that make us a bit moody, but these magical little molecules do so much more.” - Susannah Cahalan, Author, Brain on Fire Most of us know to wash our produce before eating it and not to microwave plastic, but what about Read More...

California Legislature

After Roe V. Wade, California legislature and citizens jump to help fellow Americans

We decided to revamp this important story with an important update.  With the overturning of Roe V. Wade, California is considering a host of reforms to ready itself for the influx of women from other states seeking legal and safe abortions. California’s legislature, care providers, and even Read More...

These companies will cover emp

These companies will cover employees' legal abortion travel costs

Following the monumental overturning of Roe V. Wade by the US Supreme Court, residents of many states are facing the reality that they won’t be able to access a safe abortion in their hometown.  Many cities and states are bracing for the sudden influx of people seeking a safe procedure. These Read More...

The Dad Gang is breaking the s

The Dad Gang is breaking the stereotype of the absent Black father

In honor of father's day, we are revamping a few stories that celebrate the inspiring dads out there in the world, empower dads, or highlight the incredible experience of fatherhood. Good fathers, good community members As a black man, Sean Williams would regularly receive “good dad” Read More...

California Legislature

California doubles down as a sanctuary state for abortion rights

It remains a strong possibility that Roe V. Wade will be overturned, and sanctuary states and cities are preparing themselves for an influx of women seeking abortions. California, perhaps, is the foremost among them.  The California State Legislature is considering a package of 13 bills aiming Read More...


Study suggests lower risk of early death for coffee drinkers

The United States drinks around 517 million cups of coffee every day. While caffeine can be a tough habit to kick, researchers are finding more and more health benefits to coffee. Health advantages range from reduced risk of heart attacks to treatment for ADHD.  Now, researchers in China found Read More...


Greece bans harmful conversion therapy

Joining France, New Zealand, and Canada, Greece announced last Wednesday that it is officially banning conversion therapy, the harmful practice of attempting to suppress the sexual orientation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans community members.  Parliament approved the bill, which states Read More...

Transportation across states

US cities work together to create network of abortion safe havens

After a draft of a US Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe V. Wade was leaked, people across the country now worry about the future of their ability to access safe abortions.  A collective of city and state leaders across the United States are working together to create a facilitative network Read More...

Brownies will now earn merit b

Brownies will now earn merit badges in STEM

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are not just highly lucrative and profitable fields, they are essential for the continued progress of society. That being said, every field, whether it be in STEM or the arts, benefits from a variety of minds entering their workforce. Read More...

Somali women smiling into the camera

All-women news source launches in Somalia to cover inequality

Journalism used to be called the Fourth Estate, referring to its political and societal influence within a country. It has the power to expose injustices and sound a call to action from the people. Finding solutions to endemic problems often starts by identifying them in the media. For a fair Read More...