Today’s Solutions: May 11, 2024


Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.

Taking longer breaks while lea

Taking longer breaks while learning may help boost your memory

As many of us probably know, cramming a huge amount of information the day before an exam can be a fruitless undertaking, with most of the knowledge we have painstakingly gained disappearing from our heads soon after. That’s why studying with longer intervals can be very helpful in retaining Read More...

Pedestrians have priority unde

Pedestrians have priority under Britain's revised Highway Code

Many of us will be familiar with the memorable Spiderman line: “With great power comes great responsibility.” This is the spirit behind the “hierarchy of responsibility,” the Highway Code revision that Great Britain plans to implement this autumn, pending parliamentary approval. Under Read More...

Old man is holding a glass of red wine while having dinner at Italian restaurant.

How people in Blue Zones drink alcohol

While there is quite a bit of debate around touting alcohol as something that is beneficial to our health, the fact of the matter is that people living in Blue Zones, which are places with the highest concentration of centenarians, do consume alcohol regularly—they just consume it in a mindful Read More...

How to deal with a bullying bo

How to deal with a bullying boss

Most people associate bullying with recess and school cafeterias, but unfortunately, some bullies don’t outgrow their horrid habits when they move on to the workplace. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute’s 2017 National Survey, almost 20 percent of Americans continue to experience Read More...

3 Mental-health lessons to lea

3 Mental-health lessons to learn from Simone Biles' choice to not compete

Simone Biles, age 24, is an elite artistic gymnast with a vast collection of medals and titles that she’s acquired throughout an impressive athletic career. So, it came as a shock to many when she decided to pull out of the team and all-around finals and not to compete in the uneven bars or vault Read More...

Researchers build model to cal

Researchers build model to calculate resistance from different drug combinations

We recently wrote about a new microcalorimetry technique that allows doctors to avoid antibiotic resistance by prescribing the proper combination of antibiotics on the first try, but the other piece of the equation is figuring out scenarios in which antibiotic resistance is being developed so it Read More...

Keep your produce as fresh as

Keep your produce as fresh as possible with these tips and tricks

We’ve all experienced that let down of looking in the fridge to find your strawberries have gone moldy or your lettuce has wilted. Fortunately, a few easy steps can help you salvage that produce and cut down on food waste! Here are some tips and tricks. Washing 101 Don’t wash your fruits and Read More...

Four science-backed solutions

Four science-backed solutions to address the opioid crisis

During the Covid-19 pandemic, another epidemic has been raging in the US, largely unnoticed: the opioid crisis. As the number of drug overdose deaths reaches a record high in the US, researchers have identified several science-backed actions that could be taken at a federal level, and are indeed Read More...

This start-up has pedestrians

This start-up has pedestrians generating clean energy in Sierra Leone

If you are reading this article, then chances are that you are in a country with abundant access to electricity. For most people living in Sierra Leone, the opposite is true. In fact, the West African country has one of the lowest access rates for electricity across the globe. Just six percent of Read More...

Natural remedies to soothe a p

Natural remedies to soothe a poison ivy rash

So, you went on a hike and now you have an itchy, painful rash on your legs. If you live in the midwest or northeast, it could be poison ivy. Poison ivy can be contracted from direct contact with the plant, or by contact with clothing, pets, or people who have contracted it. Fortunately, the rash Read More...