Today’s Solutions: October 08, 2024


Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.

The 2008 Organic Top 20

The 2008 Organic Top 20

Twenty praiseworthy products that are good for your body, your soul and the planet. | April 2008 issue With all the talk of recession, Ode decided to check in with two pioneers in the organic market to get their takes on what the money crunch might mean for their businesses'and for the sector Read More...

Oro Verder Gold

Oro Verder Gold

In this year's Organic Top 20, we feature Treetap's Wild Rubber Handbags and Oro Verde's Green Gold - two products that help conserve the Amazone rain forest. Find out how these companies are creating products focusing on social environmental sustainability. Read exclusive excerpts from the book Read More...

Treetap’s Wild Rubber Ha

Treetap's Wild Rubber Handbags

In this year's Organic Top 20, we feature Treetap's Wild Rubber Handbags and Oro Verde's Green Gold - two products that help conserve the Amazone rainforest. Find out how these companies are creating products focusing on social environmental sustainability. Read exclusive excerpts from the book Read More...

De bewakers van ons lichaam

De bewakers van ons lichaam

Hoe een arts ontdekte dat hij kanker had, kennismaakte met de wereld van de patiant en zich verdiepte in onze natuurlijke verdediging. | April 2008 issue Ik heb kanker gehad. Het werd vijftien jaar geleden vastgesteld. Na de operatie en de chemotherapie vroeg ik mijn oncoloog om advies. Wat moest Read More...

The subtleties of sage

The subtleties of sage

Why cooking is a lot like communicating. | April 2008 issue Every language has a limited number of words and finite grammatical rules. Yet we can use them to create an endless number of sentences and tell countless stories. The same applies to cooking: The number of ingredients is limited and the Read More...

An apple a day keeps the docto

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Nutritional supplements are no substitute for a healthy diet Tijn Touber| December 2006 issue Green tea extracts, beta carotene, selenium, grape seed extract, high doses of vitamins E and C, aloe vera... if you want to take antioxidants in capsules or tablets, you’ve got a wide selection. And Read More...

The end of the war against can

The end of the war against cancer

Women are now the main victimsTijn Touber | December 2004 issue The war against cancer is being won… but not by the pharmaceutical industry. Not even by the medical profession. The war, which was declared over 30 years ago by former U.S. president Richard Nixon, is not even being won in Read More...

Mended minds

Mended minds

'Modern' afflictions like stress, fatigue, depression and hyperactivity can affect the brain. Martin Wuttke has developed a training program that helps harmonise brain frequencies. His treatment removes most of the static so that the brain can heal. A conversation with a pioneer. Tijn Touber | Read More...

Enjoying food

Enjoying food

Rob Baris, who owns the Z&M delicatessen and the famous Zinc restaurant in Rotterdam, is a bon vivant without dogmas. He has worked out an action plan for Ode readers: a menu of delicious food that is healthy and socially responsible.Marco Visscher | April 2003 issue Going shopping The first step Read More...

Myth 1: Industrial agriculture

Myth 1: Industrial agriculture will put an end to hunger

Not true. Hunger is not caused by food shortages, but by poverty. Marco Visscher | April 2003 issue Hunger plagues some 800 million people in the world. In India, 200 million do not get enough to eat, in Brazil 70 million and in the United States 33 million. Every four seconds someone in the world Read More...