Today’s Solutions: May 13, 2024


From creative interior design tricks that can improve your wellbeing to strategic plant arrangements that help you reap the most benefits from your leafy friends, this is the place to find everything you need to know to make your house feel like a home.

Managing your money during try

Managing your money during trying times: 5 financial tips that just work

In a world where expenses seem to outpace income and the looming threat of rising interest rates, it's time to roll up your sleeves and take command of your financial ship. You can withstand the storm and keep your financial vessel afloat by making a few wise modifications. Tighten the belt, Read More...

Maximizing your paternity leav

Maximizing your paternity leave: A guide for new dads

Being a parent is an incredible experience, and if your business provides paid paternity leave, you should take advantage of it. Surprisingly, just five percent of working men take more than two weeks off after the birth of their youngest child, despite the enormous benefits that come with it, such Read More...

Tips for surviving unexpected

Tips for surviving unexpected disasters: What is a "go-bag" and how do you prepare one?

Sherri McKinney, the Red Cross' national spokesman, has firsthand experience with the unpredictability of natural disasters. McKinney, who escaped the tornadoes in Nashville in 2020, underlines that "emergencies are more common than people may think, and disasters happen anywhere and at any Read More...

Food as medicine: Fruit and ve

Food as medicine: Fruit and vegetable prescriptions boost heart health

The ancient concept of "food as medicine" receives new legitimacy in a revolutionary study, reinforcing the age-old belief that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can perform wonders for heart health. In the midst of a diet-related disease epidemic that rivals smoking as the main cause of death, Read More...

Wielding the language of wines

Wielding the language of wines to get the tasting experience you crave

Embarking on a wine journey can often feel like traversing a familiar path, leaving behind a plethora of unexplored vineyards. While the wine world is large and diverse, most of us take comfort in the known, returning to a trusty bottle or a predictable variety from a renowned region. But don't Read More...

Sniff, snuggle, snooze: Your l

Sniff, snuggle, snooze: Your lover's scent may be the key to better sleep

Have you ever snuggled up in bed and buried your face in an old t-shirt when your partner is away? Science tells us you're on to something! According to a quirky 2020 study from the University of British Columbia, your beloved's aroma might be your ticket to a more tranquil night's sleep—no, Read More...

What are green roofs and shoul

What are green roofs and should you consider one? The history and benefits of green roofs

Green roofs, a millennia-old notion, have grown from ancient customs into modern marvels of sustainable construction. These living roofs, which combine plants and shelter, have a rich history that inspires architectural creativity even now. Green roofs at the roots: from ancient practices to Read More...

Ever thought to clean your ear

Ever thought to clean your earbuds? Here’s how to do it right

These days, earbuds are considered an essential accessory— almost everyone pops them in to listen to their favorite music or podcasts while on the go. But, we’re not the only ones who love them! Due to their warm, moist environment and contact with diverse surfaces, earbuds can accumulate Read More...

Guar bean fiber: What is it an

Guar bean fiber: What is it and why is it so good for gut health?

If you want to improve your gut health, there's a tasty and effective remedy you shouldn't overlook: guar bean fiber, often known as guar gum. A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition provides light on the extraordinary benefits of this fiber source for your gut. Discovering the Read More...

Count, roll, and win! Why boar

Count, roll, and win! Why board games are experiencing a well-deserved revival 

Board games are making a successful comeback in this age of screens and virtual realities. Nostalgia fans are ecstatic about the opportunity to recreate childhood memories, while pubs are offering game evenings and families are rediscovering the joy of face-to-face interaction.  In a world Read More...