Today’s Solutions: May 16, 2024


Having a difficult time finding positive news about national and global politics? Search no further! From public policy to positive leadership to democracy efforts, find the latest good news stories in the world of politics at The Optimist Daily.

7 Ways the #MeToo movement has

7 Ways the #MeToo movement has changed our society for the better

The #MeToo movement was launched into the mass media’s consciousness almost two years ago when actress Alyssa Milano publicized the magnitude of the issue, and high profile men, such as Harvey Weinstein, brought the issue to the forefront of the public’s attention. The movement, created by Read More...

New court ruling means net neu

New court ruling means net neutrality is still alive and well in the US

Net neutrality is the principle that all content on the Internet should be treated equally by Internet service providers (ISP). In other words, an ISP should be allowed to charge additional fees for the type of content you watch or access.  Until 2017, net neutrality was the norm in America, Read More...

California firefighters to rec

California firefighters to receive mental health support thanks to new laws

For too long, the mental health issues of our first-response workers have been overlooked. A dark fact from 2017 is a testament to that, in which more firefighters and police officers nationwide died by suicide than in the line of duty. In an effort to provide better mental health support to Read More...

Chicago’s public libraries a

Chicago’s public libraries are the latest to do away with overdue book fees

The city of Chicago’s public library system is the latest and the largest library system to do away with late fees for overdue materials. The change comes as a response to the fact that late charges were disproportionately affecting the city’s lower-income residents, one in three of which has Read More...

Home appliances will soon be e

Home appliances will soon be easier to self-repair thanks to new EU standards

Not being able to repair your household appliances because of expired warranties or a lack of suitable parts can be very frustrating. But apart from the heavy costs of buying a new replacement, all that e-waste puts a heavy burden on the environment too. That, however, may change soon thanks to Read More...

Under a new plan, Germany is e

Under a new plan, Germany is enlisting its army to help rescue its forests

According to satellite monitoring from Munich’s Technical University, a third of Germany’s woodlands are now in a very poor state. Hot, dry weather is the chief culprit, as 2018 saw the highest temperatures Germany has ever seen on record. 2019 was scarcely cooler. This has left the trees Read More...

Norway to pay Gabon to protect

Norway to pay Gabon to protect its tropical rainforests

As part of a 10-year deal announced on Sunday (Sept. 22), Norway will pay $150 million to the African nation of Gabon to battle deforestation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is a huge deal considering Gabon is home to the second-largest tropical rainforest in the world, a thriving home to Read More...

Why the Green New Deal could b

Why the Green New Deal could be the antidote to Detroit’s woes

During the second round of the 2020 presidential debates in Detroit, candidates looked to gain voters by addressing auto workers and speaking—although sparingly—about keeping drinking water safe in the aftermath of the Flint water crisis. However, none of the candidates proposed a specific plan Read More...

Melinda Gates: Gender equality

Melinda Gates: Gender equality is within our reach

In a recent story for the Harvard Business Review, philanthropist Melinda Gates makes it clear that while great progress has been made in terms of gender equality, men still hold the upper hand across nearly every aspect of American life, from having higher wages to having a greater say in Read More...

New York Harbor sees whale pop

New York Harbor sees whale populations rebound due to cleaner waters

Over the last couple of decades, due to high levels of pollution and overfishing, the waters surrounding New York City have become devoid of some of their original marine inhabitants, such as the humpback whale. But, thanks to successful environmental policies, the gorgeous mammals are back in the Read More...