Today’s Solutions: May 19, 2024

The Optimist Living

How to rev up your brain to pr

How to rev up your brain to prevent cognitive decline when growing old

We usually believe that approaching the autumns of our lives goes hand in hand with developing cognitive decline and a feeble mind. But recent research shows that there are changes we can make to our health and lifestyle to offset mental incapacity. Simple activities like breaking a sweat or Read More...

How to become more active with

How to become more active without making major changes to your life

Tons of studies and articles suggest that exercise is critical to a long, healthy life. But most guidelines for moving more can be tough and squeezing physical activity into your already hectic lifestyle can seem like a real challenge. The following strategy will help you unwrap the most important Read More...

Suppressing your emotions is t

Suppressing your emotions is the last thing your mind needs

Pushing emotional thoughts and feelings out of your mind may seem like a reasonable strategy to regulate your emotions but it can actually harm your health. By avoiding your emotions you’re actually making them stronger which can create many maladies in your body and in the mind, leading to Read More...

How altruistic kindness stimul

How altruistic kindness stimulates the reward system in your brain

Kindness can act like a shield, in the form of an aura, against bitterness and ill will. Psychologists confirmed this aura as a type of “glow” which is best preserved by acts that are altruistic in their nature. In fact, simply being kind with no intent of personal gain not only activates the Read More...

You’re bound to change in li

You’re bound to change in life. This is how to make that change positive

Over time, the distinctive characteristics that define you as an individual are subject to change. Whether you would like to become less neurotic or more outgoing, researchers have pinpointed ways that work to make that change happen. Have a look here to see what action you can take to make a shift Read More...

How to turn fear into a motiva

How to turn fear into a motivator in your life

The feeling of fear is a natural part of the human experience. Instead of trying to avoid fear throughout life, what you should do is take on your fears and turn them into a source of motivation. By following these five steps, you can start using fear as a motivator in your Read More...

A simple guide for eating less

A simple guide for eating less meat

Giving up meat can be a real challenge but the benefits of following a meat-free diet are enormous for both your health and the environment. If you can’t wrap your head around the idea of ditching meat completely, simply eating less of it is still a good place to start. Here are five simple ways Read More...

Storytelling is the most power

Storytelling is the most powerful tool you have

More often than not, the typical workplace presentation fails to capture the imagination. Even if the idea is a good one, getting people to go from nodding their heads to creating real change is a rarity. That’s because such presentations deliver a chronological series of events that do nothing Read More...

5 tips for staying healthy and

5 tips for staying healthy and active this holiday season

The more things you can do to boost your immune system, the less likely you will be run down by a pesky virus or stomach bug this holiday season. Follow these five tips to improve your immunity and keep you protected from unwanted Read More...

Doodling might actually be the

Doodling might actually be the best way to learn

Research suggests the most effective way to absorb and distill new information isn’t by repeatedly reading and writing information down, but by simply drawing it. A group of participants was given a list of words to memorize. Half were told to continuously rewrite them down, and the other half Read More...