Today’s Solutions: May 17, 2024

The Optimist Living

How mild levels of stress can

How mild levels of stress can actually improve your health

Whether it is rooted from pressures at work or your personal life, stress is usually seen as a negative factor that can only worsen the situation you’re in. However, experts have found that moderate levels of daily, manageable stress can help protect your body against oxidative damage, which is Read More...

How dishwashing can increase y

How dishwashing can increase your overall well-being

While washing dishes may seem like a loathing household chore, it can actually promote a mindful state and improve your psychological well-being. Researchers have found that a mundane activity like doing the dishes can reduce stress by 27 percent and increase your feelings of inspiration by 25 Read More...

The key ingredient to a happy

The key ingredient to a happy and fulfilled life

Being financially well-off, having a successful career and good physical health may seem like the recipe for a happy and fulfilling life but without loving relationships that’s merely just a drop in the bucket. New research shows that having someone to rely on helps your nervous system relax, Read More...

10 life lessons to teach your

10 life lessons to teach your kids at a young age

Teaching your children valuable life lessons at a young age can help them get a better understanding of the world and develop a personality they’re comfortable with later in life. Here are 10 essential lessons to teach your children before the age of 10 in order to support a more fulfilled and Read More...

How to safeguard a satisfying

How to safeguard a satisfying end of the day

The way you spend your morning is a catalyst for how the rest of your day turns out to be. Having a customized day-starter plan is the best way to guarantee a day at the end of which you feel great and with your mind at ease. Here are six suggestions on what a morning routine should look like to Read More...

A 10-step guide on how to make

A 10-step guide on how to make a major life change come about

At certain times in your life, you may arrive at the conclusion that you need to undergo a major life change. But not knowing which direction to take or where to focus your energy can be incredibly daunting. This 10 step plan will show you where to start and how to successfully achieve a major life Read More...

These may be just the apps you

These may be just the apps you need to get a good night’s sleep

There are a plethora of apps that promise to help you get a good night’s sleep, but most of them do little more than just use up your phone’s storage. Achieving quality sleep requires certain ingredients like a dark, quiet, comfortable place; a relaxed body and a tranquil mind, which computer Read More...

Dealing with past traumas can

Dealing with past traumas can be crucial in treating addiction

Revisiting past traumas may be a painful experience, but it can be very effective in treating problems of addiction. Opening up to such experiences helps us address the issues that leave us vulnerable to addiction and allows us to move forward in life. Have a look here to see why dealing with past Read More...

Here’s how to clean your

Here's how to clean your bathroom without toxins

When you're switching over to natural and nontoxic home-cleaning products, the bedroom and living areas feel like pretty approachable places to start. The kitchen? Read More...

Replace this Thanksgiving’s

Replace this Thanksgiving’s turkey with this mind-boggling non-meat alternative

If you’re looking for a juicy vegan alternative to this year’s Thanksgiving turkey, the watermelon ‘ham’ might just do the trick. According to the owner of the idea, the original preparation consists of brining the fruit in a marinade of herbs, salt, and ash for four days, drying it for Read More...