The advent of the hydrogen car could prompt a wave of automobile sales comparable to the rapid spread of the mobile telephone. This innovation, which is associated with an important technological breakthrough, will provide an economic impulse. | August 2003 issue Much more inspiring than Read More...
Wealth in the modern world is based on oil. As a result, oil creates conflicts. Hydrogen doesn't have to be stolen; it is not a source of power struggles. Hydrogen is everywhere. | August 2003 issue Energy is the basis of wealth. The Roman Empire was founded on slave labour. Wealth in the modern Read More...
Hydrogen will not only supply the rich with energy. The same hydrogen fuel cell that provides power to a house in New York will also supply energy for a hut in a Delhi suburb. | August 2003 issue Television has projected a view of Western wealth to the furthest corners of the earth. The Read More...
Every car, home or landowner will become an electricity producer at the same time. Away with dependence on oil and electricity companies! | August 2003 issue3 Of course, the question remains: Who wants a revolution? The hydrogen economy promises to create a new world. Not only as regards Read More...
Finally, there is global warming, not the most powerful argument for launching the hydrogen economy. However, there is no disputing that climate change is responsible for numerous natural disasters. An economy based on hydrogen doesn't have that problem. | August 2003 issue Global warming is Read More...
It is possible, it is necessary: six arguments for a fast energy revolution.Jurriaan Kamp | August 2003 issue Politicians, the business community and protest groups rarely agree on important issues. Except this one: the current economy, founded on the polluting burning of fossil fuels, will be Read More...
While politicians and oil companies speak of the need for fresh billion-dollar investments, Amory Lovins points the way to the hydrogen economy with the help of existing means and technology, and within existing investment budgets. | August 2003 issue While politicians and oil companies speak of Read More...
... and a bit of chemistry. Hydrogen for dummies. | August 2003 issue The oil and gas supply is running out. It took millions of years for fossil fuels to evolve. Hydrogen, however, is available now and in abundance. In fact, 75% of the universe, as we know it, consists of hydrogen. The hydrogen Read More...
'Modern' afflictions like stress, fatigue, depression and hyperactivity can affect the brain. Martin Wuttke has developed a training program that helps harmonise brain frequencies. His treatment removes most of the static so that the brain can heal. A conversation with a pioneer. Tijn Touber | Read More...
For more and more people the unending stream of media reports on failures, frauds, violence, setbacks and frustration has become a source of growing discomfort. But optimism can still triumph over cynicism. A practical guide for those who want to stay optimistic and healthy.Peggy O’Mara | August Read More...