Today’s Solutions: October 27, 2024

Woman seamstress cut and repairs old blue jeans

5 simple yet profound ways to make the world a better place today

The word activism can bring up images of aggression and vehemence, but it turns out that activism can be practiced in gentle ways, too. Here are five simple yet radical things anyone can do in their day-to-day lives to make the world a better place. Find joy These days, the simple act of being Read More...

People with banners protest as part of a climate change march.

Globally, demonstrators gathered for the biggest scientist-led protest ever

Occasionally, drastic measures are essential to mobilize a population toward necessary progress. Civil disobedience is a proven method of affecting change, and when those disobeying are all experts in a field, we can bet that what they're saying is worth listening to. On Wednesday, April 6th, Read More...

Portrait of a girl wearing face protective mask at Youth strike for climate in protest of climate change policy.

5 simple steps to become a climate activist in everyday life

We recently posted an article discussing impactful changes we can make in our personal lives to help avoid a climate crisis. If you still have a fire within you to enact planet saving change in your community, then maybe consider becoming a climate activist. Being a climate activist doesn’t Read More...

Lego Rebellion re-creating protest against Shell's Cambo oilfield plans

These Lego Rebels are taking a stance against the climate crisis

We’ve previously written about Lego’s efforts to lead the toy-making industry towards sustainability. But the toy company is not only making play-time for kids — and adults — more eco-friendly with plant-based building blocks. It turns out its toy bricks are also helping raise awareness Read More...

two Benin women look back at camera

Benin becomes the first West African country to legalize abortion

On October 20, after a long and grueling parliamentary session, Benin became the first West African country to legally provide access to safe abortion. Before, abortion was only permitted if the pregnancy endangered the life of the pregnant woman, was the result of rape, or was conceived in an Read More...

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: How

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: How you can honor and celebrate the holiday

To recognize the generations of genocide and oppression which followed Columbus’ arrival in the Americas, more and more cities and states are choosing to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Now, why should we celebrate this day? Well, because it recognizes the injustices Read More...

Help your teen find purpose th

Help your teen find purpose through activism and volunteering

All parents hope to raise empathetic and altruistic kids, but this can feel more difficult during the teenage years as kids begin to assert their independence. Research has shown that volunteer work and activism is good for our physical and mental health. This work can be particularly impactful for Read More...

Harvard University will divest

Harvard University will divest from fossil fuels

Back in 2019, we reported that a group of activists was working to reduce Harvard University’s investments in fossil fuels. Today, we are happy to report that the school has announced it will divest its nearly $42 billion endowment from fossil fuels. Announced by university president Lawrence Read More...

Policy changes and activism re

Policy changes and activism render Texas abortion reporting site inactive

Website host GoDaddy has taken down Texas Right to Life’s abortion whistleblowing website for violating its terms of service. GoDaddy specifically cites Section 5.2, which states “You will not collect or harvest (or permit anyone else to collect or harvest) any User Content (as defined below) Read More...

7 empowering personal actions

7 empowering personal actions to combat climate anxiety

A few months ago we hosted a webinar on managing emotional inflammation, specifically in the context of climate anxiety. In a world where climate news can be overwhelming, if not downright depressing, it can be hard to find the motivation to pursue climate action. If you feel like your own Read More...