Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Protecting ourselves and our c

Protecting ourselves and our children from overexposure to images of war and violence

At a time when our media feeds are rife with distressing images and heartbreaking news, it is critical to learn how to shield ourselves and our children from the overwhelming emotional toll. Dr. Arash Javanbakht, a renowned trauma psychiatrist and researcher, has dedicated his career to assisting Read More...

Hand pointing at angry face tile because of toxic positivity.

Studies show for true satisfaction, embrace the negative side of life

Our world is obsessed with happiness, with self-help books and toxic positivity at every turn. While happiness feels great, the goal to strive towards it is unrealistic and leaves a sour taste in the mouth when it can’t be achieved. We’re commonly told “it’s all about our mindset” or we Read More...

A young woman vents out her feelings while her good friend consoles her outdoors.

We all need to vent. Here’s how to do it constructively

Although the urge to let off steam when we’re stressed may be universal, it’s not always clear whether doing so actually helps our stress levels or feeds them instead. But, thanks to a series of three studies, we have some new insights on venting. The main takeaway? Venting may feel Read More...

Feeling a bit too angry lately

Feeling a bit too angry lately? Here are some ways to release anger

It’s no secret that letting anger simmer or having rage outbursts hurts your personal and professional relationships. Beyond that, it also impacts your well-being. Constantly bottling up our frustration can lead to physical and emotional reactions, including high blood pressure and anxiety. The Read More...

Why letting go of anger can be

Why letting go of anger can be key to a long, healthy life

Of all the emotions linked to negative health conditions, a small new study points out that anger is the worst, potentially contributing to inflammation and chronic disease. The new research was borne from a theory developed by two of the study’s co-authors, psychologists Carsten Wrosch and Ute Read More...

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kai

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi: use your anger to change the world

Anger can be a very good thing. Like when sheer outrage led human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi to free 83,000 children from slavery. “For centuries, we were taught anger is bad. Everyone taught us to control and suppress our anger. But I ask ‘why’? Why Read More...

Prelude to courage

Prelude to courage

How anger can improve health, enhance intimacy, spur creativity and even inspire social change. Diana Rico | June 2011 issue It’s the 1980s, and I am sitting in the Beverly Hills living room of a major 1950s television star, alongside my romantic and sometimes writing partner. I have obtained a Read More...