Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Two children cutting out paper hearts for valentines day craft

Three fun valentine's day arts & crafts to do with your kids

Valentine’s day is just around the corner, and for parents with young children, this could be a great opportunity to carve out some quality time and get crafty together! Plus, if you’re trying to limit processed sugar in your family, doing arts and crafts with your kids is a much healthier Read More...

These eco-friendly crafts use

These eco-friendly crafts use supplies right from your garden

Autumn colors and cooler weather inspire creativity in many of us. Tap into the natural resources of your own backyard this fall and put your creative juices to use with these fun, eco-friendly crafts. Pruned wood rounds and pyrography If you find yourself with larger branches after pruning trees Read More...

London-based artist turns pape

London-based artist turns paper waste into decorative vases

At the Optimist Daily, we love sharing stories of people turning waste sources into beautiful art. In today’s edition of trash-turned-treasure, let us introduce you to Jacqueline de la Fuente, a London-based designer who is turning cardboard and paper waste into decorative vases. To do this, de Read More...

Repurposed egg carton as plant pot

7 clever ways to give your old egg cartons new life

While it’s possible to recycle old egg cartons, there are many ways you can repurpose cartons in order to give them a second life before being recycled. With that in mind, here are 7 simple ways to reuse egg cartons. Starting seeds Cardboard egg cartons have perfectly sized compartments for Read More...