Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Which toilet paper is the most

Which toilet paper is the most eco-friendly? Bamboo vs. Recycled

Here at The Optimist Daily, we have already discussed the negative environmental impact of destroying forests to produce single-use paper products like toilet paper. For years now, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has been urging consumers to switch to more sustainable alternatives to Read More...

Green routine: Try these 5 sus

Green routine: Try these 5 sustainable toilet paper brands

Did you know it takes 37 gallons of water to make a single roll of toilet paper? There’s a reason why many other countries rely on bidets for bathroom hygiene. While Americans may scoff at the idea, we must admit our bathroom routines could use a sustainable upgrade. If you’re not ready to Read More...

eco bridge

Bamboo bridge seeks to help reptiles cross over busy road

In the mountainous state of Uttarakhand in India, a bridge was built across a busy road that cuts through the forest. Not for humans or cars, but rather for reptiles and other small animals.  The new “Eco Bridge” is 90 feet long and made from bamboo, jute, and grass. Local officials say Read More...

Architecture student creates s

Architecture student creates sustainable alternative greenhouse

Traditional greenhouses use plastic polythene sheeting to create a nurturing environment for plants, but this may soon change. An innovative architecture student has found a greener alternative.  Eliza Hague, a University of Westminster Master of Architecture student, has designed an Read More...

This firm is designing earthqu

This firm is designing earthquake-proof homes in Indonesia using bamboo

In 2018, a series of earthquakes struck the Indonesian island of Lombok, killing 560 people. The area was reduced to rubble and hundreds of thousands were displaced. Near the epicenter, most buildings were destroyed, in part because of poor concrete construction. A new project in the area aims to Read More...

The ancient plant that’s

The ancient plant that's helping Indonesia modernize its electricity grid

As a nation made up of 17,000 islands, one of Indonesia’s most challenging problems in the 21st century has been modernizing its electric grid.  But now on the island of Siberut, some electricity-starved hamlets are sustainably developing their own energy by relying on a material that has Read More...

Uttam Sanjel: Building schools

Uttam Sanjel: Building schools in Nepal

Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard nominates Uttam Sanjel as an intelligent optimist for his work in building more than nine schools throughout Nepal with full enrollment. Matthieu Ricard | Jan/Feb 2010 issue Uttam Sanjel. Founder, Bamboo School Project. Kathmandu, Nepal. Photo: Pradeep Read More...