Today’s Solutions: October 25, 2024

Mistletoe Berries

Creating multi-purpose superglue from mistletoe berries

When someone says the word mistletoe, images of kissing at Christmas automatically spring to mind. But what if we told you that the berries from this festive plant can be used for much more than just locking lips? Ancient civilizations have featured these berries in a wide variety of medicines, Read More...

two women sitting at an outdoor picnic eating berries

Does one moldy berry ruin the bunch? Here’s what the experts say

We’ve all been there— ready for a healthy snack and excitedly reaching into the fridge for a container full of deliciously juicy and vibrant berries, only to find that one or two of them have been colonized by a horrible white-ish blue-ish fuzz. Mold strikes again! But does that mean the Read More...

Elderly woman farmer collects a harvest of ripe organic red strawberries.

Organic food can be expensive, here are the foods you should prioritize

With the knowledge that organic foods are typically grown using fewer chemicals, why do grocery shoppers still buy inorganic foods? The answer is simple: organic foods cost a whole lot more. Still, when it comes to buying produce, there are foods that you should consider buying organically and Read More...

Foraging basket

Nature’s shopping list: a beginner’s guide to foraging

Two years ago, The Optimist Daily published a small piece on the advantages of foraging. This means walking past the grocery store to the park or a riparian area to search for, identify, and collect your own food resources. The practice has become more popular in recent years, especially during the Read More...

blue berry smoothie

Try "reverse juicing" to get the most out of your berries

Berries are more than just juicy, flavorful snacks. They are also jam-packed with nutrients and offer us a range of health benefits. Berries are especially known as a great source of polyphenols, a subgroup of antioxidants that have been linked to improved heart health, glowing skin, and Read More...

healthy breakfast with berries and walnuts

3 breakfast habits to boost brain function according to dietitians

Eating well throughout the day is crucial for maintaining good overall health, but starting on the right foot with a proper breakfast is especially beneficial. According to the Cleveland Clinic, eating within the first few hours of waking can be great for your body’s energy levels, heart, and Read More...

A holistic psychologist’s 4

A holistic psychologist’s 4 foods to fight depression

A growing body of research is linking diet and mental health, indicating that food choices could be a factor in anxiety, depression, and other issues. A 2017 study was one of the first to demonstrate that a Mediterranean diet yields lower depression ratings and further follow-up research have Read More...

Fruits and carrots

Protect your lungs this winter with these 5 superfoods

When it comes to the coronavirus, adults with lung-related health issues such as asthma are at increased risk of severe illness from the virus. On top of that, a study presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress also found that Covid-19 can have a long-term effect on the Read More...