Today’s Solutions: February 14, 2025
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US suspends oil drilling lease

US suspends oil drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

In a victory for environmentalists and the planet, the US Department of the Interior has announced plans to terminate Arctic refuge drilling rights. The nine canceled leases span more than 400,000 acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  The leases were bought up by two oil companies and Read More...

Philadelphia will dim its ligh

Philadelphia will dim its lights to help save migrating birds

Most migratory birds in North America use the night sky to navigate their way between north and south every year. However, as they pass over big cities, they can get disoriented by bright artificial lights and skyglow, often causing them to collide with buildings or other outdoor structures. This Read More...

Meet Wisdom, the 70 year old a

Meet Wisdom, the 70 year old albatross that just hatched another chick

When biologist Chandler Robbins first tagged Wisdom the Laysan albatross in 1956, he probably had no idea that the oceanic bird would long outlive him. But here we are in the year 2021, and Wisdom is still alive and mating. In fact, Wisdom has just hatched another chick at the tender age of 70. Read More...

The common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) wetlands birds's colored feathers from different birds that live in ponds, swamps.

Tweet tweet! Study finds birds are linked to happiness levels

If you find yourself happier around singing birds, you’re not alone. A new study from the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research indicates being around greater bird biodiversity is actually linked to greater happiness levels amongst people. To come to this conclusion, the Read More...

Bird-watching: These 3 tools l

Bird-watching: These 3 tools let you track migratory birds near you

Running out of entertainment options as the pandemic continues to trudge onward? Now is the perfect time to take up bird-watching! Yes, this is the time of year where many birds migrate long distances to make a temporary home in a different climate, which means there’s a good chance that some Read More...

New study reveals birds sang d

New study reveals birds sang different during lockdown

Did you feel like birds were singing differently during the coronavirus lockdown? If you did, you were probably right. Thanks to a long-running study of the songs of white-crowned sparrows living in and around the San Francisco Bay area, scientists were able to compare effects before and during Read More...

Why passenger planes may soon

Why passenger planes may soon fly in formation just like birds

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Soon, it may be hard to tell, as giant aerospace company Airbus has recently come up with a method to save jet fuel that involves having airplanes fly in formation, just like a flock of migrating geese. Inspired by the flight technique of migrating birds, researchers Read More...

Hawaiians build state-of-the-a

Hawaiians build state-of-the-art fence to save rare native birds

While the Hawaiian islands are home to all kinds of life today, that wasn’t always the case. Apparently, not a single land-dwelling called the islands home 1,500 years ago—only winged insects, one variety of bat, and a vast array of birds had the honor of living on the archipelago. Many of Read More...

California bans common rat poi

California bans common rat poison that kills birds and mountain lions

A popular poison for killing rats has been banned by the California Legislature after the toxins commonly used in the poison were found in often lethal levels in birds of prey and predatory mammals. Assembly Bill 1788 bans the group of rat poisons known as “second generation anticoagulant Read More...

150,000 Purple Martins are daz

150,000 Purple Martins are dazzling the skyline of Nashville

Before flying down to Brazil for the winter, a flock of rare Purple Martins has chosen a rather unusual place to rest up: the Schermerhorn Symphony Center in downtown Nashville. Okay, a flock of birds roosting in an urban area isn’t all too uncommon, but did we mention how many Purple Martines Read More...