Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

stressed out man hunches over papers while working

Compartmentalize to promote a healthy work-life balance

Finding that work-life balance is hard. Especially this year, when physical boundaries between work and home have been blurred to the point of non-existence. Even those who are used to doing remote work didn’t have the same access to cafés, libraries, or restaurants to turn to when they needed Read More...

4 ways teachers can combat bac

4 ways teachers can combat back-to-school anxieties

Back-to-school season was a stressful time for teachers, even before the pandemic. Now, facing another Covid-19 surge, teachers are faced with the difficult task of stocking classrooms, imparting knowledge, and keeping children healthy and emotionally supported. If you’re a teacher, going back to Read More...

Scrolling on social media too

Scrolling on social media too much? Here’s how to kick the habit

When Marnie Vinall realized she had a problematic relationship with social media, she decided to take some action. Vinall knew her habit of endlessly scrolling on social media was making her weary and exhausted—and time abundance of time during quarantine only worsened the habit. But now Read More...

Center and fringe

Center and fringe

The center gets a lot of attention, but the fringes are more interesting. James Geary | May 2009 issue The center, we are told, should be our goal, both our starting point and our destination. But the fringes are more interesting. It is here, on the periphery, where friction produces its most Read More...