Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025
Home » Cats

Understanding feline faces: ca

Understanding feline faces: cats communicate with 300 facial expressions

Many cat owners are used to interpreting their pet's feelings through meows and purrs, but the mysterious realm of feline communication is much deeper. A recent study has revealed cats' secret language, finding that these seemingly stoic creatures have approximately 300 various facial expressions Read More...

Gray cat enjoying fresh catnip.

The real reason behind why cats freak out over catnip

Cats’ reaction to catnip - and its Asian counterpart silvervine - is truly a sight to be seen. Our household pets start aggressively rolling, rubbing, chewing, and licking it like they have been possessed by these plants' taste and aroma. A team from Iwate University has recently published a Read More...

happy young man with hat and glasses carries two cats

Scientists make breakthrough in making truly hypoallergenic cats

Do your allergies prevent you from getting the cuddly cat you’ve always wanted? Well, the revolutionary gene-editing technology CRISPR might just make your cat-owning dreams come true. A team of researchers from the Virginia-based biotech company InBio has applied CRISPR in studies focused on Read More...

Cute tiny puppy stands outside in transparent raincoat

8 ways to minimize your pet's environmental pawprint

Over the past two years and counting, many people have taken on the company of a cat, dog, or other animal companions to ease the feelings of isolation that the pandemic has brought upon us. According to the American Pet Products Association, over 70 percent of American households own a pet. Read More...

Woman holding her long-haired cat

New research shows that cats track their owners movements

All cat owners and lovers know that cats are special and intelligent creatures, and this new study led by Dr. Saho Takagi at the University of Kyoto in Japan confirms this. Takagi’s research reveals cats’ ability to track their owners as they move about the house, and show signs of a genuine Read More...

Eco-friendly ways to deal with

Eco-friendly ways to deal with your cat's kitty litter

Yesterday we wrote about the most eco-friendly ways dog owners can manage their furry companions' waste. Now, we will tackle the same topic, but for cat litter. Cat litter can be an incredible waste. It is often full of potentially harmful chemicals as well. Don’t fret, though. There are a few Read More...

Afraid your indoor cat is miss

Afraid your indoor cat is missing out? Here's how to keep them entertained

If you are an indoor cat owner, you may sometimes feel guilty that your cat’s world is so constrained. However, if you are attentive and intentional about giving your furry friend enough stimulation, then your indoor cat will live a life full of entertainment and exercise. Plus, indoor cats Read More...

Research: For children with au

Research: For children with autism, a cat can be the perfect companion

Cats can be loving and playful companions for anyone, but for children with autism, a new study suggests a cat can reduce separation anxiety and increase empathy. Researchers from the University of Missouri studied children with autism aged 6 to 14 after they adopted a cat into their family with Read More...

Innovative pet scheme matches

Innovative pet scheme matches over 10,000 cats with potential owners

More than 10,000 shelter cats have found a new home since the start of the pandemic thanks to a campaign set up by the UK’s leading feline welfare charity. Called Hands-Free Homing, the scheme was launched in March by non-profit Cats Protection in a bid to ensure that cats could still be homed Read More...

Activists are risking their li

Activists are risking their lives to rescue pets from war-torn Syria

As people fled war zones in Syria to save their lives, they often had no other choice but to leave their pets behind. Without their primary caretakers, cats and dogs ended up on the street, abandoned or abused. Spurred by the dire situation, a brave group of pet lovers has decided to embark on a Read More...