Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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China’s monumental clima

China's monumental climate shift: embracing a “post-peak" era in the coming years

China, the world's economic giant, is on the verge of a watershed moment in its environmental history. After decades of rapid development and skyrocketing emissions, signs point to a near-term peak in carbon output, providing hope for global climate efforts. According to the Center for Research Read More...

green and hilly landscape in South China’s Guangci Zhuang Autonomous Region

Explorers in China find prehistoric forest hidden in giant sinkhole

At a time when the entire world is concerned with the far-reaching effects of years and years of unchecked deforestation, the astounding discovery of an ancient forest inside an enormous sinkhole in China is welcome news. In May of 2022, cave explorers from the Institute of Karst Geology of the Read More...

Contact lens

This contact lens releases glaucoma medication

While it is treatable, glaucoma remains a serious eye disease that can damage the optic nerve and lead to blindness if left untreated. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of the disease, and research indicates that it affects 10 percent of those over 75.  Researchers from China have Read More...

Asteroid in the forefront and earth in the background.

An asteroid deflection system is planned to launch in 2025

In 2021, NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) was sent on a 10-month course across the solar system to slam into the small asteroid Dimorphos. The hope is for DART to change the course of the rock, testing out potential planetary defense mechanisms. The China National Space Read More...

Brandt’s vole standing on hindlegs between the grass of the Mongolian grasslands.

To watch out for predators, voles trim the grass around them

Here at The Optimist Daily, we commonly report on new ecological findings from animals all around the world. The more scientists uncover about the behavior and lives of the creatures we share the world with the better able we are to help them. Whether that’s uncovering snow monkeys incredible Read More...

China solar panels

China pledges to build large solar and wind farms in Gobi Desert

China is, by far, the biggest consumer of coal power in the world. While at the moment its energy consumption is 70 percent coal-based — other industrialized nations average around 30 percent, the United States being 25 percent — China apparently sees the value in switching to renewable Read More...

3d illustration of a full moon with a halo against stars in space.

Here’s why scientists are building an “artificial moon”

Humans are still trying their hardest to figure out how gravity works, with good reason. Gravity is one of the most fundamental forces in the universe and once we understand it, we can use it to our advantage. For example, in creative inventions like this anti-gravity solar panel that both absorbs Read More...

An asteroid in front of a starry sky.

AI simulation can model potential asteroid collisions

Asteroid impact Asteroids have hit the Earth before and it is possible they could again. Although, preparation and small interventions could make the difference for humans to avoid total annihilation. A research team from the National Institute of Natural Hazards in China has recently constructed Read More...

Yellow information block about magnesium.

Scientists create new magnesium isotope

What is an isotope? Before we go into the exciting discovery, a little background knowledge about isotopes may help us understand how cool it really is. Different types of elements, such as hydrogen and gold, are defined due to differences in atomic weight, decided by the number of neutrons in Read More...

The red giant Mars.

Who made it to Mars in 2021?

The red giant Mars has fascinated humans for many years, due to its intriguing habitable climate, the possibility for ancient life, and interesting findings of water and methane. The planet only aligns with Earth well enough for interplanetary launch once every 26 months. Therefore, space agencies Read More...