Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Data shows the carbon uptake o

Data shows the carbon uptake of China’s forests has been underestimated

China is the world’s biggest source of human-produced carbon dioxide, responsible for nearly 28 percent of global emissions. Recently, the government announced its intention to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, and to peak those emissions before 2030. Although the specifics of how the country Read More...

China pledges to achieve carbo

China pledges to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060

The UN climate summit, Cop26, has been delayed until November 2021 due to the pandemic, but many participating countries aren’t waiting until next year to quantify their emissions reductions commitments. After the EU pledged to cut emissions by 55 percent by 2030, China made an unexpected Read More...

Two new innovations allow sola

Two new innovations allow solar cells to harness more light

Solar cells work by absorbing light waves, harnessing the photons' energy to knock electrons off of atoms, thereby generating electricity. Here's the thing, though: different light waves have different levels of energy, and current solar cells can't use low-frequency wavelengths of Read More...

Wild tiger populations around

Wild tiger populations around the world are making a comeback

Millions watched them in captivity on the lockdown TV hit Tiger King, but in the wild, tiger populations have been in rapid decline for decades. There is some positive news though. According to new figures from the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), the number of wild tigers in some parts of the Read More...

This new blood test detects ca

This new blood test detects cancer years before symptoms appear

Detecting cancer years before symptoms appear is currently very difficult, but that may soon change after scientists developed a revolutionary new blood test. The blood test, which was created by researchers in China, is able to pick up cancers up to four years before symptoms appear, researchers Read More...

When users play this virtual g

When users play this virtual game, millions of real trees are planted

Since its launch in 2016, over half a billion people have used Ant Forest to convert lower-carbon activities such as using public transport into real trees. The game is helping China lead the way in re-greening the planet and is serving as a model for tree-planting schemes elsewhere. It's the Read More...

A pangolin searches for ants.

COVID-19 might just be a blessing in disguise for the pangolin

The pangolin is one of the most fascinating creatures in the world, being the only mammal to also be covered in hard protective scales. Unfortunately, it is these scales that make them a target for poachers, who sell them to be used in Chinese traditional medicine. Their meat is also considered a Read More...

Study finds plasma from corona

Study finds plasma from coronavirus survivors can help severely ill patients

Good news in the battle against coronavirus. In a recent story published in The Guardian, it was reported that doctors have found tentative evidence that seriously ill coronavirus patients can benefit from infusions of blood plasma collected from people who have recovered from the disease. Two Read More...

China offers hope as stores an

China offers hope as stores and studios start reopening

Oh, oh, oh, how quickly the world changes. How odd it feels to be restricted to our homes due to the coronavirus. How easy it can be to slip into a negative state of mind as we enter a period of uncertainty. Yes, the coronavirus has cast a dim light on the future, but if we look to China, we see Read More...

Before you stress out about co

Before you stress out about coronavirus , read this

While you have every right to be concerned with the new coronavirus and concerned for all the people affected by it, you shouldn’t let yourself get too worked up about the virus. The outbreak is serious, but if you’re living in the United States, the odds are that the everyday flu is a much Read More...