Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

SolarMente is revolutionizing

SolarMente is revolutionizing solar energy with subscription-based solutions

SolarMente, a visionary startup created by 29-year-old Wouter Draijer, is leading a renewable energy revolution on Spain's sun-drenched streets. Let's look at how SolarMente's subscription-based solar solutions are transforming the Spanish energy environment. The visionary behind SolarMente: Read More...

Green College life

7 tips for sustainable and affordable college life

For our college student readers, you might already be tired of people telling you that you are the future of our society. Well, you are, but you don’t need to wait until you’re out in the workforce to make a difference in the world.  Socially and environmentally conscious behavior can begin Read More...

Happy Earth Day

Love and Action: Happy Earth Day!

“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.” — Marshall McLuhan, philosopher   As far as we know, Earth is the best place in the Universe.  The search for life beyond our planet and even our solar system is ongoing, and one day we could very well make the Read More...

Elders Climate Action

Elders Climate Action: climate activism for seniors

This last week’s Optimist’s View on aging got us thinking about our seniors and how lucky we are to have a substantial older population. Longer life expectancies and a growing senior population mean holding onto our loved ones and benefiting from their perspective and experience. With an active Read More...

Portrait of a girl wearing face protective mask at Youth strike for climate in protest of climate change policy.

5 simple steps to become a climate activist in everyday life

We recently posted an article discussing impactful changes we can make in our personal lives to help avoid a climate crisis. If you still have a fire within you to enact planet saving change in your community, then maybe consider becoming a climate activist. Being a climate activist doesn’t Read More...

Lego Rebellion re-creating protest against Shell's Cambo oilfield plans

These Lego Rebels are taking a stance against the climate crisis

We’ve previously written about Lego’s efforts to lead the toy-making industry towards sustainability. But the toy company is not only making play-time for kids — and adults — more eco-friendly with plant-based building blocks. It turns out its toy bricks are also helping raise awareness Read More...

Little Asiatic girl holds a sign reading love your Mother Earth

5 Surprising places you might find your climate mentor

Navigating your way into climate activism isn’t always easy. Having good examples to look up to, inspire you, and teach you as you start or continue your climate action journey is a huge asset, but they're not always easy to find. Luckily, a mentor in the traditional sense of the word isn’t Read More...

Monastery on a hill in Bhutan

This elite group of countries is already carbon negative

As the COP26 climate conference continues this week, all eyes are on countries’ plans to achieve their net-zero emissions goals. For most nations, this accomplishment is slated for 2045 or 2050, but for a select few, carbon neutrality is not on their mindsーbecause they’re already carbon Read More...

8 simple ways to run a more ec

8 simple ways to run a more eco-friendly kitchen

From opting for clean energy to supporting climate activist groups, there are so many ways you can help the world become a more sustainable place. But if you don’t really know where to begin, the kitchen is a good place to start introducing more eco-friendly practices in your life. Having that in Read More...

After Cop26 delay, youth activ

After Cop26 delay, youth activists will hold their own climate talks

Vital negotiations to fulfill the Paris climate agreement were supposed to take place at the UN’S Cop26 in November, but the coronavirus has delayed the climate talks. Activists and participants are not impressed by the lack of progress, especially considering the urgent action needed to limit Read More...