Today’s Solutions: February 17, 2025

Archeologists discover the Sis

Archeologists discover the Sistine Chapel of the Ancients in the Amazon

The world of archaeology has just been stunned with the recent discovery of one of the world’s largest collections of prehistoric paintings, stretching across an eight-mile-long cliff in Colombia’s Amazon. Hailed as “the Sistine Chapel of the Ancients”, the breathtaking drawings are Read More...

How Columbia has been turning

How Columbia has been turning ex-guerillas into useful members of society

  The bloody civil war that has gripped Colombia for over fifty years has claimed 220,000 victims, affecting 6.7 million people in all—most of them civilians. In 2003 president Álvaro Uribe entered peace negotiations with the country’s largest paramilitary group. The Colombian Agency for Read More...

Ruth Camargo: Finding beauty i

Ruth Camargo: Finding beauty in service

Jaime Jaramillo, who works with street children in Colombia, says Ruth Camargo is one former street child who is inspiring others in her community. Jaime Jaramillo | Jan/Feb 2009 issue Ruth Camargo, Bogotá, Columbia Photo: Firstline Schools, Inc. When I met Ruth Camargo, she was living in the Read More...

Hip hop = freedom

Hip hop = freedom

Don Popo raps about a better future for Colombia's kids. Marco Visscher| June 2007 issue Halfway through our conversation, Don Popo's eyes suddenly begin to sparkle. Don't you get it? they seem to ask. "To us, hip hop isn't simply a music style," he patiently explains. "To us, hip hop is a way of Read More...