Today’s Solutions: February 17, 2025

Saliva test could help doctors

Saliva test could help doctors diagnose concussions more accurately

To confirm a concussion diagnosis, doctors often have to rely on the ‘best guess’ sort of assessments based on subjective symptom reports from patients. But physicians may soon be able to more accurately diagnose such brain injuries by measuring the number of certain molecules in a person's Read More...

From fertility to diabetes: 6

From fertility to diabetes: 6 ways smartphones can help track health

The processing power of today’s smartphones, along with their high-quality cameras and an array of ever-improving sensors, makes them potentially useful in the medical world for diagnosing different conditions quickly. Let’s take a look at a few early-stage but highly promising examples. A Read More...

Researchers in Michigan are us

Researchers in Michigan are using lasers to better detect concussions

The process of detecting a concussion feels more like a field sobriety check rather than a proper medical exam. What day is it? Where are you? Who is the president? Can you count backward from 100 by sevens? These are the type of questions that are supposed to determine whether you have a Read More...