Today’s Solutions: December 12, 2024

Mature man with digital tablet using meditation app in bedroom.

Why you should make meditation a part of your morning routine

What if you could take a magic pill each morning that would reduce your stress, lessen your anxiety, increase your ability to focus, and improve your memory? What if that pill had no side effects, you wouldn’t have to go anywhere to get it, and it is 100 percent free? Would you take it? Of Read More...

Ukraine Support Image

Avoid sharing misinformation about Russia's invasion to support Ukraine

The Optimist Daily is committed to supporting truth in news and solutions-focused journalism for a better world. As we have witnessed for more than a month now, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia comes in the form of not only physical violence but also belligerent media manipulation and Read More...

Take back control of your emot

Take back control of your emotions with these 4 steps

The uncertainty of the world can brew a concoction of conflicting emotions within you. You might be feeling frustrated about your finances, impatient to get back to work, outraged over police brutality, or just exhausted with the present situation. It’s natural for emotions to flare up from Read More...