Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Two new critically endangered

Two new critically endangered right whale calves spotted off US coast

The North Atlantic right whale is one of the planet’s most endangered species, with only about 360 of them left in the world. That’s why the recent sightings of two calves of this elusive whale species are such good news. The first of the two calves spotted over the past week was seen swimming Read More...

Scientists identify incredibly

Scientists identify incredibly rare monkey species in Myanmar

A very curious primate species has been discovered for the first time by scientists in the jungles of Myanmar. The Popa langur (Trachypithecus popa), as it’s being called, is a type of monkey with an extremely unique look. It has grayish-purple fur, black circular eyes with large rings around Read More...

Birth of critically endangered

Birth of critically endangered black rhino caught on camera at UK zoo

The population of the critically endangered eastern black rhino has just gotten bigger, thanks to the birth of a healthy calf at Chester Zoo in the UK. Following 15 months of pregnancy, the celebratory event was caught on the zoo’s security camera which shows the young calf suckling from her Read More...

Rare spider thought extinct in

Rare spider thought extinct in the UK rediscovered at military base

After more than 27 years of being off the radar in Britain, the great fox-spider has recently been rediscovered on an undeveloped portion of a military base in Surrey, England. Great fox-spiders (Alopecosa fabrilis) are critically endangered and were feared to be extinct in the UK before a program Read More...

Rope bridge restores forest pa

Rope bridge restores forest passage for critically endangered apes

When a landslide on China’s Hainan Island damaged an arboreal highway that allowed the critically endangered Hainan gibbons to cross from one side of the forest to the other, conservationists were quick to find a solution and provide the apes with a safe route across the gully: an artificial Read More...

Critically endangered skate su

Critically endangered skate successfully hatches at aquarium in Scotland

A critically endangered flapper skate, also known as the common skate, has been successfully cared for and hatched in an aquarium in Scotland, in what is thought to be a world-first for the species. The skate egg, which has been looked after by researchers at the Scottish Association for Marine Read More...

Endangered smoky mouse, feared

Endangered smoky mouse, feared wiped out during bushfires, found alive

Following Australia’s devastating bushfires six months ago, the critically-endangered smoky mouse has been feared extinct by conservationists as more than 90 percent of the rodent’s habitat had been scorched. To their relief though, recent images from motion-sensor cameras prove Read More...

Endangered young baby turtles in warm evening sunlight being released at a beach in Sri Lanka, fighting their way towards the ocean.

Critically endangered turtles hatch undisturbed on people-free beaches

At the start of each April, people on the northeastern shorelines of Brazil can witness the critically-endangered hawksbill sea turtles emerge from their eggs and make their first steps into the waters of the Atlantic. But as people have been advised to stay indoors to slow the spread of the Read More...

Mountain gorillas are slowly g

Mountain gorillas are slowly getting back on their feet

Wildlife conservation efforts have just shown their worth after scientists declared that the mountain gorilla is no longer “critically endangered”.  After facing near extinction, the gorilla’s situation is still "endangered" but is also slowly and gradually showing signs of recovery. Read More...