Crowd-sourced business models, where individual vendors and consumers are connected through an app or a web platform, are not going anywhere. Last month, ride-hailing pioneer Uber accounted for 47 percent of all rides expensed by employees whose companies use Certify, the second-largest provider Read More...
Jill Starishevsky | May/June 2012 Issue I enthusiastically nominate Joe Witte, who founded the small business MycroBurst together with Zaheer Dodhia. MycroBurst is a competitive, crowdsourcing graphic-design service with prize money, put up by the clients, for the winning designers. But for a Read More...
When large numbers of people give a little, they accomplish a lot. Charles Best | Sept/Oct 2009 issue The global economic recession is an opportunity to fuel social change. While financial instinct says philanthropy will suffer in times of economic distress, there's evidence that the challenges we Read More...