Today’s Solutions: January 13, 2025

bottle of water next to glass of water sitting on a tray placed on white bed

Advice from a sleep doctor: don't drink water after this time

Hydration is a crucial aspect of our overall health—however, trying to catch up on your hydration right before bedtime can negatively affect your sleep quality. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t keep a glass of water on your bedside table anymore, but it does mean that you should aim to Read More...

Elderly smiling white woman sits outside and raises a glass of water.

5 Easy ways to up your daily water intake

Drinking water throughout the day is essential for our overall health and energy levels—however, many of us struggle with our H2O intake. According to nutritionist Lauren Slayton, when she presses clients about their water consumption, they often admit that they “don’t drink enough,” and Read More...

Here’s another reason to

Here's another reason to drink water regularly—it staves off heart failure

If you need another reason to adopt healthy hydration habits, look no further—according to research presented at a European Society of Cardiology last week, regular proper hydration helps stave off heart failure. Now, the keyword here is “regular,” which means reaching and maintaining good Read More...