Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
Home » Drone

The design of the underwater autonomous drone Seasam.

Seasam drone improves underwater research and documentation

Humans have invented various autonomous underwater drones for scientific purposes and more. Some examples include the AutonomousRiver Cleaner (ARC) that uses bubbles and AI to clear plastic from rivers, or MERMAIDs which deep-sea dive to explore the ocean floor. There’s now a new drone in town Read More...

The battery-free dandelion seed inspired device, powered by solar panels, seen in black in the middle.

These battery-free sensors fly like dandelion seeds

Wireless sensors are a versatile technology used to measure all sorts of conditions, without the restraint of being attached to a stationary object the whole time. They have many applications such as in medicine - like this wireless sensor which monitors bone health - or in measuring environmental Read More...

Drones help protect biodiversi

Drones help protect biodiversity on Galápagos Islands by ridding them of rats

The biodiversity of Seymour Norte and Mosquera, two Galápagos Islands, has been threatened for generations by a commonly abhorred pest: rats. Two rat species (the black rat and the Norweigan rat) have disrupted the ecosystems on the islands of Seymour Norte and Mosquera since they arrived on Read More...

First drone flies over the Nor

First drone flies over the North Pole in the name of climate science

Drones have been flown into volcanoes, wildfires, and the Amazon in the name of science, but until this year, nobody had successfully flown a drone over the North Pole. That changed this fall when Roberta Pirazzini and Henna-Reetta Hannula piloted a drone over the Arctic’s northernmost region to Read More...

World’s largest medical

World's largest medical drone delivery network is off and running in Ghana

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 2 billion people around the world have no timely access to basic medicines, such as life-saving vaccines, leading to a staggering number of preventable deaths each year. In an attempt to tackle this global health challenge, Zipline, a Read More...

How a drone rediscovered a rar

How a drone rediscovered a rare Hawaiian flower thought to be extinct

There are many benefits to living on a sheer cliff face, if you’re a very rare Hawaiian plant. Hungry goats can’t get to you. Neither can oblivious people, who are known to crush priceless plants underfoot. Nor can botanists, even though they just want to save the plants. That’s Read More...