The average American spends two-and-a-half hours a day eating, and while eating we’re usually doing something else too. Because we're working, driving, reading, watching television, or fiddling with an electronic device, we're not fully aware of what we're eating. This mindless eating—a lack of Read More...
When it comes to diet, we tend to focus solely on the types of foods we eat, but if you ask functional nutritionist Deanna Minich, Ph.D., she will tell you the size of your food is also very important. In a recent podcast for mindbodygreen, Minich explained that smaller plant-based foods can Read More...
Oxford University has always prided itself on being an educational leader in the UK, but its students have felt that the school “has shown a lack of leadership” when it comes to “addressing climate change.” Taking matters into their own hands, Oxford’s student union just passed a motion Read More...
Just last week, we wrote a story about Pizza Hut becoming the first national pizza chain to offer plant-based toppings from Beyond Meat at all their locations. This week, we have more news from Beyond Meat after the faux-meat company unveiled new versions of its plant-based burgers that are both Read More...
Conventional wisdom is that a calorie is a calorie, no matter when you eat it, and that weight gain is caused by eating more calories than you use. Nutritionists call this the calories in, calories out theory of weight control. But it might not be as simple as that. New research discovers that Read More...
The benefits of eating healthy are straightforward, but a recent thorough analysis of our food system and eating habits shows that having a healthy diet is also the best for our planet. The researchers assessed the health and environmental impacts of 15 foods common in western diets and found Read More...
Janet Paskin | June/July 2009 issue Jenny Matthau stands in front of hundreds of students at the Natural Gourmet School and speaks heresy. The New York City culinary program specializes in "health-supportive, whole-foods cuisine" with a "plant-based curriculum." Beef and pork aren’t on the Read More...