Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

The surprising physiological b

The surprising physiological benefits of a good cry

Tears, from infancy to adulthood, serve as a universal emotional language. According to licensed marriage and family therapist Naomi Levine, "Crying for babies is both self-soothing and it’s also a communicator to the people around them that there’s a need that’s not being met."This Read More...

A guide to self-kindness: tran

A guide to self-kindness: transforming negative self-talk into positive affirmations

As we go through the motions of daily life, it's tempting to listen to our inner critic's constant commentary. Negative self-talk, or the constant stream of self-criticism, destroys our sense of value and robs us of happiness. This issue is brought to light by Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck in Read More...

Turning the tide after losing

Turning the tide after losing your temper: an expert guide at cooling down and bouncing back

Ever had one of those moments where your temper got the best of you, and you ended up unleashing your inner Hulk? We've all been there - a moment of explosive anger that leaves us with lingering guilt and regret. Losing our temper is a part of being human, but the aftermath doesn't have to be a Read More...

Healing together: navigating c

Healing together: navigating collective grief with compassion and resilience

Grief is a profound human experience, and when it manifests as communal grief, its repercussions ripple throughout society, affecting our emotional well-being and even our nervous systems. As grieving and trauma therapist Gina Moffa, LCSW, points out, sadness isn't confined to the loss of loved Read More...

The word STRESS spelled out of alphabet cereal pieces and berries floating in milk.

Snack your stress away with these expert-recommended foods

Jess Cording, R.D., CDN, a registered dietitian, developed a taste for butter after her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. "For some reason, one of the foods I really wanted to eat all the time was radishes cooked in butter," she told MindBodyGreen. "It was the most random thing." She Read More...

Young black woman gesturing STOP on pink studio background.

4 signs you need to say NO from time to time

Saying “no” to a request is understandably difficult. Professionally or personally, we either want to help, accommodate a friend, or fear we may upset someone we care about. That’s why we can be inclined to say yes to those we're close to. If your schedule is already filled with work, Read More...

7 Ways to boost your emotional

7 Ways to boost your emotional wellbeing

This past year and a half have been emotionally tumultuous, so much so that you may find that yourself overwhelmed to the point of avoiding feeling at all. However, to achieve emotional wellbeing, you need to learn how to accept and regulate your emotions, rather than let them control you. Here Read More...

This artist uses an ice cream

This artist uses an ice cream van to talk about grief and mental health

Grief is often thought of as something that people handle privately, but this period of collective loss is changing how we mourn. Artist Annie Nicholson (who goes by The Fandangoe Kid) also believes in shattering the taboo around loss, trauma, and mental health. “Grief is a part of life and on Read More...

5 Mistakes we make when weR

5 Mistakes we make when we're overwhelmed and how to avoid them

Feeling overwhelmed is something we can all relate to, and when we are in this mindset, oftentimes we end up reacting in ways that only aggravate the situation rather than improve it. Here are five common ways people who are overwhelmed tend to undermine themselves, as well as some practical Read More...

Silhouette of Sad Grieving Depressed man sitting head in hands on the floor.

Collective grief is hard. Here's how to deal with it

Grief and loss are emotions that we all experience on an individual level, and certain events may even induce shared grief among communities. Since its beginning in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it strong and unfamiliar feelings of global collective grief. To help make sense of this Read More...