Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
Home » eyes

Cure for blindness, eyes

Can stem cells cure the leading cause of blindness?

We have covered the pursuit for the cure to blindness a great deal at The Optimist Daily. The research and development around retinal implants and gene therapy for blind people is eclectic and ever-growing. Scientists have developed methods in gene editing and even using algae to help people see Read More...

Beautiful closeup of blue human eye.

Scientists use algae proteins to partially restore vision of blind man

Retinitis pigmentosa — a disease that progressively destroys light-sensing cells on the surface of the retina — is one of the most common causes of blindness in young people, affecting about one in 4,000 people worldwide. Though there’s no cure for this genetic disorder, scientists are Read More...

close up of one white man's eye and one black man's eye

This 3D-printed eye is an eye-conic development for digital prosthetics

According to Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, Steve Verze, a 47-year-old engineer from Hackney, has been the fortunate recipient of the world’s first 3D printed eyeball. He first tried the eye on for size earlier in the month, but last Thursday he was properly fitted with the prosthetic, Read More...

Spanish parents invent high-te

Spanish parents invent high-tech augmented reality glasses to help son see

Impaired vision makes it hard to do everyday activities, and although it can’t be fixed with glasses, contact lenses, or other standard treatments, one recent breakthrough may help those suffering from untreatable vision problems better perceive their surroundings. The helpful device was Read More...

Lab-grown tear glands enable s

Lab-grown tear glands enable scientists to better understand how we cry

In a world-first, scientists in the Netherlands have managed to grow disembodied tear glands that can cry. That’s right, a team of researchers from the Hubrecht Institute and UMC Utrecht has successfully created a lab-grown version of the glands responsible for keeping your eyes lubricated. The Read More...

4 ways to keep your eyesight i

4 ways to keep your eyesight in tip-top shape

If you have perfect vision, you probably don’t worry too much about eye health. The reality, however, is that vision impairment can happen to anyone at any age. In fact, approximately 12 million people over the age of 40 in America have some level of vision impairment, according to the Centers Read More...

Artificial retina may treat on

Artificial retina may treat one of the main causes of vision loss in adults

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that gets worse over time and can lead to total blindness in its later stages, making it one of the leading causes of vision loss in older people. A new treatment developed by researchers in Spain holds real potential to treat this Read More...

Use these 3 simple ocular stre

Use these 3 simple ocular stretches to help keep your eyes in good shape

Whether from a big workout, a long day at work, or a new activity, we've all experienced muscle fatigue. And like all muscles in the body, the small muscles of the eyes get tired from overuse. Eyes can become especially exhausted and stressed out from having to sit in an office and look at a screen Read More...

To maintain a sharp brain, kee

To maintain a sharp brain, keep your eyes and ears in check

So many factors influence healthy aging, including lifestyle habits such as diet and physical activity. But if there’s one thing you can do to make sure your brain stays sharp as you age, it’s taking good care of your eyes and ears. Take a look here to see why researchers say healthy eyes and Read More...

Printers and guns used to cure

Printers and guns used to cure blindness and burns

Lose your sight, print an eye. Get burned, spray on new skin. What seems like strange scenarios from a sci-fi movie are closer to reality then you might think. Researchers from John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair at the University of Cambridge have recently printed cells that are used to Read More...