Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Farmers' food market stall with variety of organic vegetable. Vendor serving and chating with customers.

Here’s how to dive into your local food scene

We all know that we should be eating local, yet it often falls to the bottom of the list—especially when we’re busy and on a budget. There’s more than meets the eye, though, with local food. It’s more nutrient-dense and tastes better, not to mention you’ll be supporting your local farmers Read More...

Bring the outliers inside

Bring the outliers inside

"Positive deviants" - innovative individuals who do things differently and succeed against the odds - can help communities solve seemingly intractable problems. Richard Pascale, Jerry Sternin and Monique Sternin | September 2010 issue In the Amazon delta of Brazil, cash crops now grow in tidal Read More...

Interview with Melanie Cheng,

Interview with Melanie Cheng, founder of FarmsReach

While economic upheaval has caused many businesses to fail, Ode has interviewed several entrepreneurs who have found ways to thrive and remain focused on positive social change. We interviewed them about their companies, how they view the current economic situation, how they define success, and how Read More...