Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Muslim family celebrates their iftar meal with homemade dishes.

Tips to keep you feeling fuller and more energized this Ramadan

Millions of Muslims across the world have just started celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, which means fasting from sunrise to sunset each day for all observants. According to one study, around eight percent of these are unsure of the best foods to keep themselves feeling full during the day and Read More...

These 5 vitamins and minerals

These 5 vitamins and minerals are essential to aging

Like all aspects of health and wellness, our nutrition needs change as we age. Changing physical health as well as lifestyle makes certain vitamins and minerals more crucial than they used to be. Let’s take a look at some that get more important as we age. Magnesium Magnesium promotes bone Read More...

A holistic psychologist’s 4

A holistic psychologist’s 4 foods to fight depression

A growing body of research is linking diet and mental health, indicating that food choices could be a factor in anxiety, depression, and other issues. A 2017 study was one of the first to demonstrate that a Mediterranean diet yields lower depression ratings and further follow-up research have Read More...

Eat these foods for improved s

Eat these foods for improved skin health

The food we eat nourishes every part of our bodies, including our skin. If you’re struggling with dry, oily, or dull skin, switching up your diet could be effective in boosting overall skin health and make you feel more comfortable in, well, your own skin. Here are several foods linked to Read More...

Need more vitamin D? Add these

Need more vitamin D? Add these 5 foods to your diet

The shorter days of winter months means most of us are spending less time in the sunshine than we used to. As we head into winter, it’s important to up your intake of vitamin D to maintain healthy calcium absorption, lessen inflammation, and reduce the risk of chronic disease. At a time when all Read More...

An ounce of prevention, steps

An ounce of prevention, steps to avoid cancer

Some do’s and don’ts for helping to avoid and fight cancer. Ode Editors | November 2008 issue Your mental state Be positive. Resolve stress and past traumas. Accept yourself and your emotions, including the negative ones. Practice meditation, yoga, tai chi or some other form of Read More...



Learning the art of listening while you cook. Elbrich Fennema | July 2008 issue When we focus on silence, we focus on sound. Becoming silent is a gradual process. When we switch off louder elements, we hear things that are normally drowned out. This applies to life in general, and definitely to Read More...