Each evening, we are used to seeing our transient moon positioned high in the sky. Humans have been fascinated by the familiar celestial body since the dawn of time, creating gods and useful calendars around its positioning. Since then, scientists have utilized the moon to help uncover secrets of Read More...
At The Optimist Daily, we keep our ears keened for news about upcycling. It’s an impressive hack, making productive use of discarded materials and waste, turning what was trash into something new. It’s a great solution toward making sustainable products, and we’re always looking for creative Read More...
For the first time ever, scientists have managed to develop a single molecule that can absorb energy from the entire visible spectrum of light, meaning it can harness over 50 percent more solar energy than conventional solar cells. That also means it can catalyze that energy into hydrogen. Read More...
An Australian-Israeli electric vehicle startup has introduced a new type of recyclable fuel based on water. The fuel produces hydrogen on demand that is then converted into electricity. According to the company, the new fuel is more efficient, safer, and cleaner than other technologies such as Read More...
Amy Domini | Sept/Oct 2009 issue The planet is in trouble. Whether you call the problem global warming or climate change, we're facing an environmental crisis that's already reshaping life on Earth. Everything from polar bears to insurance companies will be affected. Smart investors—whether they Read More...
How a new kind of home which produces more energy than it consumes, can drastically reduce fuel bills and CO2 emissions. Ursula Sautter | June/July 2009 issue Governments around the world are scrambling to address the twin crises of our times—the recession and climate change—by investing in Read More...
Passive houses are leading the way toward a carbon-neutral future by producing more energy than they use and drastically reducing fuel bills and C02 emmissions. To find out more about passive houses, architect Rolf Disch and how to make your house a passive house take a look at our passive house Read More...