The 26th annual United Nations climate change summit has officially come to a close. We shared a few updates along the way about coal pledges, carbon-neutral countries, and Indigenous forest protection, but now that COP26 is wrapped up, let’s take a broader look at what the summit Read More...
We recently shared how an innovative playground in Poland uses algae to capture CO2 and create a safer play space for children. Now, that same concept has traveled to the COP26 climate conference where it is gaining international attention in the form of a children’s bounce house. At first Read More...
Leaders from around the world are preparing for COP26, and we at The Optimist Daily are gearing up to report on the latest climate action surrounding the conference, but today we’re here to share some basic details on what COP26 is and what outcomes it hopes to achieve in terms of curbing global Read More...
A global pandemic has opened our eyes to the value of engaging with nature and having local green spaces. On top of the environmental benefits of soaking up CO2 emissions, having ample tree cover in urban spaces is connected to lower rates of obesity, asthma, and diabetes as well as improved mental Read More...
For years, chemist Lee Cronin of the University of Glasgow has dreamed of a future where researchers can distribute and produce molecules as easily as they email and print PDFs. That future has arrived thanks to Cronin and his colleagues, who have designed a system of chemical computers or Read More...
We already know that too much screen time can affect everything from sleep quality to creativity, but a study from the University of Glasgow explains that the effects might be more far-reaching than we once thought. Less screen time leads to better health The study followed almost 500,000 Read More...
As you may have heard, the UK became the first country in the world to declare a climate change emergency a couple of weeks ago. Incentivized by this, Glasgow – the third most populous city in Britain – is devising plans to become the first carbon-neutral city in the UK. The city’s council Read More...