“Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination.” — Arthur Schopenhauer Congratulations, graduating classes of 2022! Being young, with a freshly minted degree, you probably feel invincible, like you can do anything. There’s a lightness and exuberance in your step, and you are full Read More...
California high school students graduating in 2030 or later will be required to take at least one semester of an ethnic studies course. Legislation mandating the new graduation requirement was signed into law last week, following similar policies in Los Angeles Unified and Fresno Unified school Read More...
Although it feels long overdue, we are proud to relay the news that Princeton University has named its first black valedictorian in the school’s 274-year history. The student to earn the honor for Princeton’s Class of 2020 is Nicholas Johnson, a Canadian student majoring in operations research Read More...
Monday, on our Optimist Daily Update podcast, we discussed the implications for the class of 2020 as they graduate in the world of COVID-19. Graduating during the uncertain social and economic conditions of a pandemic is difficult, but these tips will help you with your job search. Look Read More...
It’s never too late to learn something new! If you don’t believe us, then you have to read this story about Joyce Lowenstein, an unlikely graduate of Georgia State University. Lowenstein's pursuit of a degree began in 1943, but it was interrupted for nearly 70 years after becoming a mother, Read More...