Today’s Solutions: January 13, 2025

California passes radical emis

California passes radical emissions disclosure bill

California senators took a huge step toward corporate transparency by enacting Senate Bill 253, the Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act. This groundbreaking legislation establishes the nation's first mandate for significant U.S.-based firms operating in California to publicly declare their Read More...


Watchdogs zero in on greenwashing financial institutions

Individuals and companies around the world are looking to invest with their conscience and only support eco-friendly enterprises. Many fund managers noticed the rise in popularity of funds in line with ecological, social, and governance (ESG) principles and embellished how green they Read More...

Greenwashing: The Conscientiou

Greenwashing: The Conscientious Consumers Conundrum

“You have to hold yourself accountable for your actions, and that’s how we’re going to protect the Earth.” – Julia Butterfly Hill By Arielle Tiangco I have to admit, there was a time when I would shamelessly spend all my disposable income, from pouring smoothies at my part-time job, Read More...


UK cracks down on greenwashing

As is so often and tragically the case, commerce can adapt more quickly than policy. We’re seeing this right now in what’s known as greenwashing. This is where companies label their products as “eco-friendly,” “greener,” or “sustainable” to appeal to environmentally conscious Read More...

The Netherlands says “no

The Netherlands says "no" to fossil fuel greenwashing ad campaign

Being a sustainable consumer is hard enough without companies trying to mislead us with greenwashing advertisements. That’s why advertising officials from the Dutch Advertising Code Committee, a national marketing and advertising watchdog in the Netherlands, are putting their foot down and Read More...