Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram attributes her concern for medical inequity to her exposure to war-torn Lebanon as a child. There she saw how people suffered because they lived in inaccessible places, didn’t have the opportunity to connect with highly specialized medical professionals, or couldn’t Read More...
If mom gave you honey as a child whenever you had a cold, turns out she was very right in doing so. According to a new review of research published by Oxford doctors, honey’s antimicrobial properties allowed it to outperform the standard of care when addressing symptoms and reducing a cough's Read More...
As a sign of appreciation for their hard work and commitment, thousands of employees at a hospital in the epicenter of America’s fight against the coronavirus will receive free vacations--though it's really hard to call those vacations "free" considering all that these health workers have been Read More...
Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States, affecting 45% of the population. That’s 133 million Americans. And $3.5 trillion in annual healthcare costs. Plenty of programs, products, and health startups are aimed at lowering the rates of chronic Read More...
A startup has developed an endearing robot to help patients suffering from chronic diseases get better care. The robot, roughly the size of a kitchen appliance, checks up on patients and makes conversation with them about their family and the weather while gathering daily details about their Read More...
Chinese medicine with a comprehensive holistic perspective on health, existed for thousands of years before western medicine began dominating modern health care. As complementary treatments gain more and more acceptance, Chinese medicine is making a comeback. It is set to receive its first-ever Read More...
Ezekiel Emanuel, a medical doctor and former chief health policy advisor to President Obama, has a pretty good idea of what we can expect to see in health care over the next decade – things like the end of insurance companies as we know them, an increased focus on treating the chronically and Read More...
Is it possible that the real health problem in America isn’t so much the lack of access to quality care as it is too much access? According to a recent article in The Atlantic, this may very well be the case, at least for some of us. But it’s also possible that as we begin to unpack this Read More...
How integrative medicine can make health care simpler, more effective and more affordable. Marco Visscher, Ursula Sautter and Carmel Wroth | November 2009 issue Suffering from headaches and depression? Don't let your doctor put you on Prozac; instead, look for the underlying causes. Maybe Read More...
While economic upheaval has caused many businesses to fail, Ode has interviewed several entrepreneurs who have found ways to thrive and remain focused on positive social change. We interviewed them about their companies, how they view the current economic situation, how they define success, and how Read More...