Today’s Solutions: February 17, 2025

woman trying to cool down in front of a blasting fan

It’s already a hotter-than-normal summer—Here’s how to handle heat stroke

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM In light of the extreme coast-to-coast heat hitting the United States and Canada, this week we're bringing back earlier articles with advice and guidance on how to stay cool and safe during heatwaves and wildfire season. We at The Optimist Daily believe Read More...

Hand fan covering the sun to cool down and give yourself air in heat alerts. Heat wave heatstroke concept.

Biden administration launches to help us deal with extreme heat

It’s no secret that this summer season has been a scorcher, what with the increasing heatwaves in the US and raging wildfires across Europe. The rising temperatures have been and will continue to cause thousands of deaths from hyperthermia, drought, and crop failures.  Extreme heat is an Read More...

Heat exercise

10 tips to keep exercising during the hottest months

While our need to exercise doesn’t stop, neither does the weather, and the summer months are getting hotter and hotter. If you’re going to brave the sweltering sun and still go for a run, here are a few things to keep in mind.  Adapt to the heat Don’t jump straight into your normal routine Read More...