Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

The power of hobbies in preven

The power of hobbies in preventing depression as you age 

Aging is a journey full of wisdom, growing families, and the luxury of more time for oneself. However, it can also offer its own set of difficulties, such as increased solitude, decreased physical activity, and, in some cases, feelings of depression. Fortunately, there is a simple yet effective Read More...

Couple playing tennis as a team

7 life-changing benefits of playing tennis

It doesn't matter if you've never picked up a tennis racquet before or if yours has been gathering dust for years; it's never too late to start enjoying tennis' many advantages. In honor of National Play Tennis Day, we're sharing how tennis can have a positive impact on your physical, mental, and Read More...

silhouette of archer shooting arrow against the backdrop of dramatic sky

The benefits of archery: 5 reasons to pick up a bow and arrow this summer

Are you looking for a distinct hobby that will open the door to new social circles, or that you could feature on your online dating profile (hello, conversation starter), all while boosting your mental and physical health? Well, archery might be the one to try. Archery isn’t as mainstream as a Read More...


A new study reveals how engaging activities reduce loneliness

Loneliness can be a major problem for good mental health and brain health in the long term. Many of us, though, still live alone, and the pandemic and post-pandemic culture have led to sometimes unavoidable periods of loneliness. This doesn’t need to be unhealthy, though.  A new study from Read More...

Rear view of busy female artist sitting on chair in front of easel, painting with fingers, using white and blue oil or acrylic paint.

Adopt this mindset to cultivate a hobby you truly love

Here at The Optimist Daily, we understand how valuable your free time is and the value of enriching it with pleasurable activities. This could be anywhere from simply resting to rejuvenating your energy levels, puzzling, or painting, whatever floats your boat! However, our competitive modern Read More...

Beautiful resilient flower growing out of crack in asphalt.

How to train your own resilience as if it were a muscle

Resilience is like a muscle—we have to target it and actively build on it for it to grow. We have to be able to recognize that life isn’t always rosy and adapt with a stronger mindset that will ultimately lead to a happier life. In order to help foster more resilience within you, here are Read More...

10 Brain-boosting hobbies to f

10 Brain-boosting hobbies to fill your spare time

Picking up new hobbies has helped us combat boredom, de-stress, and stay connected to loved ones from afar over the past year, but hobbies are not just pandemic pastimes. Recreational activities like baking, painting, and yoga have mental and physical health benefits. Many are even great for Read More...

Pandemic rituals to carry with

Pandemic rituals to carry with us into the new year

2020 has thrown our schedules and expectations upside down, but some of the new habits we’ve formed this year may stick with us even as we return to a semblance of normalcy. Here are a few ideas for pandemic rituals you may want to maintain as 2021 New Year's resolutions.  Journaling. Many Read More...

4 ways to alleviate loneliness

4 ways to alleviate loneliness even when you’re alone

We would love it if all our readers could be in the company of their loved ones this holiday season, but with the coronavirus continuing to surge, we know that’s not exactly a possibility for everyone. That, sadly enough, opens the door to loneliness. While we cannot help you bring the family Read More...

Why you should indulge in your

Why you should indulge in your non-productive hobby this week

A work culture of competition and bonuses along with side jobs in the gig economy has the modern employee working more than ever. Although some companies are adopting four day work weeks to promote quality over quantity in the office, most employees experience burnout at some point in their Read More...