Type 1 diabetes, a disorder in which the immune system attacks insulin-producing cells, has long been difficult to treat effectively. However, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine discovered a potential game-changer: mAb43, a novel antibody medication designed to prevent and potentially reverse Read More...
Nothing beats a cool drink on a hot summer day. While sugary drinks may tempt you, there is a healthier option that promises to quench your thirst while also improving your health: mint water. Let's explore the myriad reasons why you should make mint water a staple in your summer hydration Read More...
While optimizing immunity is no easy feat, there is a scientifically-backed way to set the stage: firing up the vagus nerve. Because this nerve runs from the base of the brain through the neck and branches out in the chest all the way down to the abdomen, it touches almost all of our major Read More...
We all know llamas as those funny-looking animals at the petting zoo or from pictures of them grazing on Machu Picchu, but did you know they could also inspire the next generation of medicine in humans. In “proof of concept” experiments, researchers have created tiny proteins derived from llama Read More...
Your immune system is much like the muscles in your body: you have to train it to do its job correctly. With that in mind, here are seven key things you can do to help strengthen and support your immune system. Take a probiotic that has a broad array of Read More...
Here at The Optimist Daily, we are huge fans of mushrooms. As each year passes, more scientists are turning toward fantastic fungi to treat a range of mental health conditions and look to their impressive networks for inspiration in building complex computing devices. Mushrooms have soared in Read More...
Finding immune system solutions so often necessitates stoking an immune response. Scientists unfortunately have to carry out tests for treatment for the immune system on live organisms, such as mice and non-human primates. What if there were a way to do this without animal testing? An Read More...
Every year the cold winter weather doesn’t only put frost on the grass, it also brings an increased chance of getting sick. And that’s even before our new friend coronavirus came along! In recent years, people have been putting in the effort to ensure their immune system is as healthy as Read More...
Magnesium is an essential mineral vital to many bodily functions including muscle contraction, nerve transmission, blood pressure, and immunity. Therefore, it makes sense that magnesium deficiencies are linked to a wide range of diseases. Scientists have previously shown that mice on a Read More...
The health benefits of grapes Grapes are the perfect, portable healthy snack to eat. Enclosed in their bite-size shells, they are a widely popular choice across the globe. The fruit is actually known to be a great source of potassium which helps balance fluids in the body. A new study, Read More...