No two cities are the same, and each one has its own particular changes to make to achieve its climate goals. New York is making plans to become “spongier” to handle excess water. Panama City, Florida is transforming into a tree city, planting over 100,000 new trees, and Tel Aviv, Israel aims Read More...
At The Optimist Daily, we keep our ears keened for news about upcycling. It’s an impressive hack, making productive use of discarded materials and waste, turning what was trash into something new. It’s a great solution toward making sustainable products, and we’re always looking for creative Read More...
Chahi Ariel, an Israeli farmer, was berry happy to receive confirmation from Guinness World Records—he is officially the proud grower of the world’s heaviest strawberry. Ariel’s hope was ignited when he saw the enormous fruit growing on his family farm last year and has since stored the Read More...
In April 2020, we wrote about Amsterdam’s decision to implement a new economic model that seeks to meet the core needs of all humanity within the means of the planet. Now, a forum dedicated to advancing the adoption of this concept across the world was launched in Israel last week. The concept Read More...
Last July, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of lifting the surrogacy ban for same-sex couples. On Tuesday, the country announced that starting next week the ruling will go into effect, finally allowing Israeli same-sex couples to become parents through surrogacy. Before, surrogacy in Read More...
Israel is set to become the first country in the entire world to ban the sale of fur fashion. The new legislation will come into effect in six months — a historic decision for animal rights and protection. The environmental protection minister of Israel, Gila Gamliel, issued a statement once Read More...
Following a devastating oil spill on the Israeli coastline this week, an unexpected ingredient is being used to save endangered sea turtles in the region. Volunteers from Israel's National Sea Turtle Rescue Center are feeding the green sea turtles mayonnaise to flush out their digestive Read More...
In July of 2019, we shared exciting news out of Israel when a startup invented a mechanical contraption shaped like a toy gun that spins out a ‘skin substitute’ to cover and heal wounds. Today, we’re happy to share that the device has moved beyond the prototype phase, with doctors across Read More...
While an increasing number of cities across the world have banned the selling of animal skins and furs in recent years, no government has enacted such a policy on a national level — that is, until now. Israel has recently become the first country in the world to ban the use of animal fur and Read More...
While CBD is the ingredient in cannabis that gets praise for its healing capabilities, a new study shows THC can also be effective in treating pain. The study, which was published in the European Journal of Pain, is the first clinical trial that investigated the efficacy of microdosing THC to treat Read More...