Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
Home » KFC

China’s meatless movemen

China's meatless movement is gaining momentum

In traditional Chinese culture, eating meat is a symbol of wealth and financial comfort. This cultural connection between prosperity and meat consumption as well as China’s expanding middle class (which has been growing since the 1970s) contributes to the high percentage of meat-eaters in the Read More...

KFC wants to use 3D printing t

KFC wants to use 3D printing to produce “eco-friendly chicken”

As part of its vision for the ‘restaurant of the future’, KFC is working alongside a Russian 3D Bioprinting firm to create chicken meat, which will allegedly taste and feel like the real thing but with minimal negative impact on the environment. The idea of ​​crafting the ‘meat of the Read More...

KFC and Beyond Meat partner to

KFC and Beyond Meat partner to sell plant-based chicken

Fast-food chain after fast-food chain is getting in on the fake meat trend. KFC is the latest to do its bit for the planet, after announcing a partnership with Beyond Meat to move beyond the chicken coop with plant-based chicken nuggets and boneless wings. As a test, the vegetarian chicken Read More...

Even KFC is now offering a pla

Even KFC is now offering a plant-based burger

Kentucky Fried Chicken: The name of this famous fast-food chain implies that its main thing is serving up chicken. But with the demands of consumers have changed, KFC is diverting from its foundations and jumping on the plant-based bandwagon. That’s right, soon enough KFC will be serving the Read More...

Wealthy investors are demandin

Wealthy investors are demanding fast food giants to act on climate change

A group of investors worth more than $6.5 trillion is putting massive pressure on fast food suppliers such as McDonalds, KFC, and other chains to change their ways in order to mitigate the effects of climate change. The investors are calling for public, time-limited targets for reducing the impacts Read More...