Have you ever tried to enjoy some time away from your daily obligations only to feel guilty for doing so? If you have, you’re not alone. Plenty of people feel guilty when they try to take a moment off to relax, even after working all day on something. And while this might say something positive Read More...
An observational study involving 8,677 participants has found that leisure time sports activities can have a considerable effect on life expectancy. Among the top sports activities with the highest longevity gain are tennis (9.7 years) and badminton (6.2 years). Along with these findings, other Read More...
Hobbies can be an antidote to too much stress. Doing things just for fun, relaxes. Many claim that they don’t have time. But there is another obstacle: our perfectionism. If you’re a jogger, it is no longer enough to cruise around the block; you’re training for the next marathon. We seem to Read More...