Today’s Solutions: September 07, 2024

Clothes washing in the washing machine

Here’s why you should wash your clothes with cold water

Washing your clothes with hot water may be an effective way to remove stains, but doing so with every laundry batch takes its toll on the environment. About 90 percent of a laundry machine's energy use goes towards heating up the water. As a result, home laundries in the US are responsible for Read More...

PlanetCare device catches micr

PlanetCare device catches microfibers released by your washing machine

Every time you wash your clothes in a washing machine, small microfibers and microplastics are released into wastewater and eventually make their way to our water systems. Fortunately, PlanetCare is here to catch these polluting particles so you can do laundry with a little more peace of Read More...

Minimize the microfibers your

Minimize the microfibers your clothing sheds with short, cool laundry cycles

One of the best ways to stop microfibers (including plastic) from going down the drain when you do the laundry is by tossing a Cora Ball into your washing machine, which collects our microfibers into fuzz we can see, so we can dispose of them right away. With that said, there’s another way to Read More...

This little gadget stops micro

This little gadget stops microfibers from going down the washing machine drain

When it comes to stopping microfibers from washing off your clothes and into our waterways, using a washing bag or simply not buying clothes that don’t shed microfibers is the best thing you can do. Unfortunately, for many consumers, taking these precautions is already too much work. Enter the Read More...

Finally, a sustainable alterna

Finally, a sustainable alternative to polluting microfibers

Your fleece jacket is made up of thousands of synthetic microfibers. When you wash it, those fibers often make their way through drains and wastewater plants into waterways, where fish can eat them. That’s why a company known for making microfiber insulation that fills jackets make by brands like Read More...