Today’s Solutions: October 25, 2024

Two starfish on sea beach at sunset.

How starfish skeletons inspired ceramic engineers

Some species of starfish fortify themselves using a porous skeleton that is both lightweight and extremely sturdy. This provides the marine species with a safe protective home, while still permitting a degree of flexibility to their body and arms. Taking inspiration from mother nature Ceramic Read More...

Visual concept of immune system and defense.

How magnesium improves immune cell capabilities

Magnesium is an essential mineral vital to many bodily functions including muscle contraction, nerve transmission, blood pressure, and immunity. Therefore, it makes sense that magnesium deficiencies are linked to a wide range of diseases. Scientists have previously shown that mice on a Read More...

Researchers discover new deep-

Researchers discover new deep-earth mineral with the help of a rare diamond

Mineralogists from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas are reporting the surprising discovery of a new mineral. Called calcium silicate perovskite, traces of the mineral were discovered in a diamond formed deep in the earth’s mantle. The mineral sample likely formed between 660 and 900 km Read More...

Futuristic plant-monitoring bu

Futuristic plant-monitoring buggy makes farming more sustainable

With a heavy reliance on fertilizers, pesticides, and valuable water supplies, it’s needless to say that our current farming practices are anything but environment-friendly. And with a growing population, agriculture’s effects on our climate are only expected to worsen in the next few Read More...

This smart filter supplies you

This smart filter supplies your home with unlimited mineral water

With so many scandals around the quality of tap water in the US these days, many people are turning to bottled water to drink. But this requires single-use plastics that are wreaking havoc on the environment. While much of this will need to be addressed at the government level, there are Read More...