Here at The Optimist Daily we like to provide our readers with tips and tricks to make their lives a little easier. This time, we're giving you some valuable insight about working from home. Thanks to the pandemic, people worldwide have retreated from their offices and have taken up shop in Read More...
Uh oh. You thought you were making the right move, but it backfired and now you regret your actions. These feelings of regret can well up and leave us drained and frustrated. There’s no way to change the past, so here are eight ways to move on from regret and focus on the future. Accept Read More...
While everyone is prone to making errors, it turns out that some people are actually better than others at spotting and paying attention to their mistakes because of one simple practice: meditation. Normally, 0.5 seconds after we make a mistake, our brains shoot a neural signal called “error Read More...