Procrastination is often seen as an aspect of poor time management, but research shows that as associate professor of psychology at Carleton University Tim Pychyl states: “Procrastination is not a time-management problem, it’s an emotion-management problem.” Even though bringing up Read More...
Food can convey such an array of emotions. People can express love to their partners with their cooking. An exquisite and rare dish could make a dreary vacation totally worth it. A healthy meal can perk you up, and fast food can, ironically, make you feel sluggish. Food can make us feel so many Read More...
Recently, vitamin D has been a hot topic for The Optimist Daily. We’ve shared a lot of stories about this important vitamin, from how to figure out if your body needs more of it (spoiler: it probably does!) to debunking common myths about it. So far, we’ve focused a lot on how vitamin D Read More...
Managing your emotions isn’t the same as suppressing them. In fact, suppressing your emotions and the pain you might feel will only make emotional wounds worse over time. To gain control over your emotions, it’s important to acknowledge the presence of those emotions while recognizing that your Read More...
Going through menopause can be an extremely challenging time, where the world you’ve known for most of your life is turned upside down. Not every person's experience of menopause is the same, with symptoms ranging in frequency and severity. These include depression, sexual dysfunction, joint and Read More...
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is the Chinese medicine practice of placing needles in the skin to promote healthier energy, or chi or qi, flow throughout the body. Acupuncture is used for a wide variety of reasons from stress management to chronic pain management. Although it has its roots in Read More...
Goji berries have grown in popularity in recent years as a superfood favorite, but what exactly makes these small dried fruits so special? These berries are native to Asia and have been used as a medicinal herb for 2,000 years. Today we share four unusual benefits that make goji berries a Read More...
A dolphin a day can keep depression at bay. David Servan-Schreiberr | April 2008 issue On the island of Curaçao in the Dutch West Indies is a centre for “dolphin therapy.” At the entrance, a sign on the wooden door suggests this is ritual space: “To respect the privacy of patients and their Read More...
A diet rich in vitamin, minerals and fatty acids can help reduce aggression, improve mood and prevent depression. So why aren't more people taking omega-3 capsules? Jurriaan Kamp | September 2007 issue The best way to curb aggression in prisons? Longer jail terms, maybe, or stricter security Read More...